{% assign name_dot_format = include.file | split: "." %} {% assign name = name_dot_format | first %} {% assign format = name_dot_format | last %} {% assign version = include.version | default: "1" %} {% comment %} Let 'suffix' = last 4 chars of 'name', 'prefix' = the rest {% endcomment %} {% assign suffix = name | slice: -4, 4 %} {% assign rname = name | split: "" | reverse | join: "" %} {% assign rsuffix = suffix | split: "" | reverse | join: "" %} {% assign rprefix = rname | remove_first: rsuffix %} {% assign prefix = rprefix | split: "" | reverse | join: "" %} {% comment %} If 'name' ends in "full", half-size image must exist {% endcomment %} {% assign name_full = name %} {% if suffix == "full" %} {% assign name_half = prefix | append: "half" %} {% else %} {% assign name_half = name_full %} {% endif %} {% comment %} Insert the image, linking to the full-size version {% endcomment %} {% if include.class %} {% assign add_class = 'class="' | append: include.class | append: '"' %} {% endif %} {% if include.style or include.width %} {% assign set_width = "width:" | append: include.width %} {% assign set_style = include.style | default: set_width %} {% assign add_style = 'style="' | append: set_style | append: '"' %} {% endif %} <p> <a href="{{ name_full }}.{{ format }}?v={{ version }}"> <picture> <source srcset="{{ name_half }}.avif?v={{ version }}" type="image/avif"> {% if name_full == name_half %} <img src="{{ name_half }}.{{ format }}?v={{ version }}" {{ add_class }} {{ add_style }} alt="{{ include.alt }}" title="{{ include.alt }}"> {% else %} <source srcset="{{ name_half }}.webp?v={{ version }}" type="image/webp"> <img src="{{ name_half }}.jpg?v={{ version }}" {{ add_class }} {{ add_style }} alt="{{ include.alt }}" title="{{ include.alt }}"> {% endif %} </picture> </a> </p>