--- title: "Beltrami identity" sort_title: "Beltrami identity" date: 2022-09-17 categories: - Physics - Mathematics layout: "concept" --- Consider a general functional $$J[f]$$ of the following form, with $$f(x)$$ an unknown function: $$\begin{aligned} J[f] = \int_{x_0}^{x_1} L(f, f', x) \dd{x} \end{aligned}$$ Where $$L$$ is the Lagrangian. To find the $$f$$ that maximizes or minimizes $$J[f]$$, the [calculus of variations](/know/concept/calculus-of-variations/) states that the Euler-Lagrange equation must be solved for $$f$$: $$\begin{aligned} 0 = \pdv{L}{f} - \dv{}{x} \Big( \pdv{L}{f'} \Big) \end{aligned}$$ We now want to know exactly how $$L$$ depends on the free variable $$x$$. Of course, $$x$$ may appear explicitly in $$L$$, but usually $$L$$ also has an *implicit* dependence on $$x$$ via $$f(x)$$ and $$f'(x)$$. To find a relation between this implicit and explicit dependence, we start by using the chain rule: $$\begin{aligned} \dv{L}{x} = \pdv{L}{f} \dv{f}{x} + \pdv{L}{f'} \dv{f'}{x} + \pdv{L}{x} \end{aligned}$$ Substituting the Euler-Lagrange equation into the first term gives us: $$\begin{aligned} \dv{L}{x} &= f' \dv{}{x} \Big( \pdv{L}{f'} \Big) + \dv{f'}{x} \pdv{L}{f'} + \pdv{L}{x} \\ &= \dv{}{x} \bigg( f' \pdv{L}{f'} \bigg) + \pdv{L}{x} \end{aligned}$$ Although we started from the "hard" derivative $$\idv{L}{x}$$, we arrive at an expression for the "soft" derivative $$\ipdv{L}{x}$$ describing only the *explicit* dependence of $$L$$ on $$x$$: $$\begin{aligned} - \pdv{L}{x} = \dv{}{x} \bigg( f' \pdv{L}{f'} - L \bigg) \end{aligned}$$ What if $$L$$ does not explicitly depend on $$x$$ at all, i.e. $$\ipdv{L}{x} = 0$$? In that case, the equation can be integrated to give the **Beltrami identity**, where $$C$$ is a constant: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ f' \pdv{L}{f'} - L = C } \end{aligned}$$ This says that the left-hand side is a conserved quantity with respect to $$x$$, which could be useful to know. Furthermore, for some Lagrangians $$L$$, the Beltrami identity is easier to solve for $$f$$ than the full Euler-Lagrange equation. The condition $$\ipdv{L}{x} = 0$$ is often justified: for example, if $$x$$ is time, it simply means that the potential is time-independent. When we add more dimensions, e.g. for $$L(f, f_x, f_y, x, y)$$, the above derivation no longer works due to the final integration step, so the name *Beltrami identity* is only used in 1D. Nevertheless, a generalization does exist that can handle more dimensions: [Noether's theorem](/know/concept/noethers-theorem/). ## References 1. O. Bang, *Nonlinear mathematical physics: lecture notes*, 2020, unpublished.