--- title: "Capillary length" sort_title: "Capillary length" date: 2021-03-29 categories: - Physics - Fluid mechanics - Fluid statics - Surface tension layout: "concept" --- **Capillary action** refers to the movement of liquid through narrow spaces due to surface tension, often against gravity. It occurs when the [Laplace pressure](/know/concept/young-laplace-law/) from surface tension is much larger in magnitude than the [hydrostatic pressure](/know/concept/hydrostatic-pressure/) from gravity. Consider a spherical droplet of liquid with radius $$R$$. The hydrostatic pressure difference between the top and bottom of the drop is much smaller than the Laplace pressure: $$\begin{aligned} 2 R \rho g \ll 2 \frac{\alpha}{R} \end{aligned}$$ Where $$\rho$$ is the density of the liquid, $$g$$ is the acceleration due to gravity, and $$\alpha$$ is the energy cost per unit surface area. Rearranging the inequality yields: $$\begin{aligned} R^2 \ll \frac{\alpha}{\rho g} \end{aligned}$$ From this, we define the **capillary length** $$L_c$$ such that gravity is negligible if $$R \ll L_c$$: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ L_c \equiv \sqrt{\frac{\alpha}{\rho g}} } \end{aligned}$$ In general, for a system with characteristic length $$L$$, the relative strength of gravity compared to surface tension is described by the **Bond number** $$\mathrm{Bo}$$ or **Eötvös number** $$\mathrm{Eo}$$: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \mathrm{Bo} \equiv \mathrm{Eo} \equiv \frac{L^2}{L_c^2} } \end{aligned}$$ Capillary action is observed when $$\mathrm{Bo \ll 1}$$, while for $$\mathrm{Bo} \gg 1$$ surface tension is negligible. For an alternative interpretation of $$\mathrm{Bo}$$, let $$m \equiv \rho L^3$$ be the mass of a cube with side $$L$$ such that its weight is $$m g$$. The tension force on its face is $$\alpha L$$, so $$\mathrm{Bo}$$ is simply the force ratio: $$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{Bo} = \frac{m g}{\alpha L} \end{aligned}$$ ## References 1. B. Lautrup, *Physics of continuous matter: exotic and everyday phenomena in the macroscopic world*, 2nd edition, CRC Press.