--- title: "Dynkin's formula" sort_title: "Dynkin's formula" date: 2021-11-28 categories: - Mathematics - Stochastic analysis layout: "concept" --- Given an [Itō diffusion](/know/concept/ito-calculus/) $X_t$ with a time-independent drift $f$ and intensity $g$ such that the diffusion uniquely exists on the $t$-axis. We define the **infinitesimal generator** $\hat{A}$ as an operator with the following action on a given function $h(x)$, where $\mathbf{E}$ is a [conditional expectation](/know/concept/conditional-expectation/): $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \hat{A}\{h(X_0)\} \equiv \lim_{t \to 0^+} \bigg[ \frac{1}{t} \mathbf{E}\Big[ h(X_t) - h(X_0) \Big| X_0 \Big] \bigg] } \end{aligned}$$ Which only makes sense for $h$ where this limit exists. The assumption that $X_t$ does not have any explicit time-dependence means that $X_0$ need not be the true initial condition; it can also be the state $X_s$ at any $s$ infinitesimally smaller than $t$. Conveniently, for a sufficiently well-behaved $h$, the generator $\hat{A}$ is identical to the Kolmogorov operator $\hat{L}$ found in the [backward Kolmogorov equation](/know/concept/kolmogorov-equations/): $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \hat{A}\{h(x)\} = \hat{L}\{h(x)\} } \end{aligned}$$
The general definition of resembles that of a classical derivative, and indeed, the generator $\hat{A}$ can be thought of as a differential operator. In that case, we would like an analogue of the classical fundamental theorem of calculus to relate it to integration. Such an analogue is provided by **Dynkin's formula**: for a stopping time $\tau$ with a finite expected value $\mathbf{E}[\tau|X_0] < \infty$, it states that: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \mathbf{E}\big[ h(X_\tau) | X_0 \big] = h(X_0) + \mathbf{E}\bigg[ \int_0^\tau \hat{L}\{h(X_t)\} \dd{t} \bigg| X_0 \bigg] } \end{aligned}$$
A common application of Dynkin's formula is predicting when the stopping time $\tau$ occurs, and in what state $X_\tau$ this happens. Consider an example: for a region $\Omega$ of state space with $X_0 \in \Omega$, we define the exit time $\tau \equiv \inf\{ t : X_t \notin \Omega \}$, provided that $\mathbf{E}[\tau | X_0] < \infty$. To get information about when and where $X_t$ exits $\Omega$, we define the *general reward* $\Gamma$ as follows, consisting of a *running reward* $R$ for $X_t$ inside $\Omega$, and a *terminal reward* $T$ on the boundary $\partial \Omega$ where we stop at $X_\tau$: $$\begin{aligned} \Gamma = \int_0^\tau R(X_t) \dd{t} + \: T(X_\tau) \end{aligned}$$ For example, for $R = 1$ and $T = 0$, this becomes $\Gamma = \tau$, and if $R = 0$, then $T(X_\tau)$ can tell us the exit point. Let us now define $h(X_0) = \mathbf{E}[\Gamma | X_0]$, and apply Dynkin's formula: $$\begin{aligned} \mathbf{E}\big[ h(X_\tau) | X_0 \big] &= \mathbf{E}\big[ \Gamma \big| X_0 \big] + \mathbf{E}\bigg[ \int_0^\tau \hat{L}\{h(X_t)\} \dd{t} \bigg| X_0 \bigg] \\ &= \mathbf{E}\big[ T(X_\tau) | X_0 \big] + \mathbf{E}\bigg[ \int_0^\tau \hat{L}\{h(X_t)\} + R(X_t) \dd{t} \bigg| X_0 \bigg] \end{aligned}$$ The two leftmost terms depend on the exit point $X_\tau$, but not directly on $X_t$ for $t < \tau$, while the rightmost depends on the whole trajectory $X_t$. Therefore, the above formula is fulfilled if $h(x)$ satisfies the following equation and boundary conditions: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \begin{cases} \hat{L}\{h(x)\} + R(x) = 0 & \mathrm{for}\; x \in \Omega \\ h(x) = T(x) & \mathrm{for}\; x \notin \Omega \end{cases} } \end{aligned}$$ In other words, we have just turned a difficult question about a stochastic trajectory $X_t$ into a classical differential boundary value problem for $h(x)$. ## References 1. U.H. Thygesen, *Lecture notes on diffusions and stochastic differential equations*, 2021, Polyteknisk Kompendie.