--- title: "Fundamental solution" sort_title: "Fundamental solution" date: 2021-11-02 categories: - Mathematics - Physics layout: "concept" --- Given a linear operator $\hat{L}$ acting on $x \in [a, b]$, its **fundamental solution** $G(x, x')$ is defined as the response of $\hat{L}$ to a [Dirac delta function](/know/concept/dirac-delta-function/) $\delta(x - x')$ for $x \in ]a, b[$: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \hat{L}\{ G(x, x') \} = A \delta(x - x') } \end{aligned}$$ Where $A$ is a constant, usually $1$. Fundamental solutions are often called **Green's functions**, but are distinct from the (somewhat related) [Green's functions](/know/concept/greens-functions/) in many-body quantum theory. Note that the definition of $G(x, x')$ generalizes that of the [impulse response](/know/concept/impulse-response/). And likewise, due to the superposition principle, once $G$ is known, $\hat{L}$'s response $u(x)$ to *any* forcing function $f(x)$ can easily be found as follows: $$\begin{aligned} \hat{L} \{ u(x) \} = f(x) \quad \implies \quad \boxed{ u(x) = \frac{1}{A} \int_a^b f(x') \: G(x, x') \dd{x'} } \end{aligned}$$
While the impulse response is typically used for initial value problems, the fundamental solution $G$ is used for boundary value problems. Suppose those boundary conditions are homogeneous, i.e. $u(x)$ or one of its derivatives is zero at the boundaries. Then: $$\begin{aligned} 0 &= u(a) = \frac{1}{A} \int_a^b f(x') \: G(a, x') \dd{x'} \qquad \implies \quad G(a, x') = 0 \\ 0 &= u_x(a) = \frac{1}{A} \int_a^b f(x') \: G_x(a, x') \dd{x'} \quad \implies \quad G_x(a, x') = 0 \end{aligned}$$ This holds for all $x'$, and analogously for the other boundary $x = b$. In other words, the boundary conditions are built into $G$. What if the boundary conditions are inhomogeneous? No problem: thanks to the linearity of $\hat{L}$, those conditions can be given to the homogeneous solution $u_h(x)$, where $\hat{L}\{ u_h(x) \} = 0$, such that the inhomogeneous solution $u_i(x) = u(x) - u_h(x)$ has homogeneous boundaries again, so we can use $G$ as usual to find $u_i(x)$, and then just add $u_h(x)$. If $\hat{L}$ is self-adjoint (see e.g. [Sturm-Liouville theory](/know/concept/sturm-liouville-theory/)), then the fundamental solution $G(x, x')$ has the following **reciprocity** boundary condition: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ G(x, x') = G^*(x', x) } \end{aligned}$$
## References 1. O. Bang, *Applied mathematics for physicists: lecture notes*, 2019, unpublished.