--- title: "Gram-Schmidt method" sort_title: "Gram-Schmidt method" date: 2021-02-22 categories: - Mathematics - Algorithms layout: "concept" --- Given a set of linearly independent non-orthonormal vectors $\ket{V_1}, \ket{V_2}, ...$ from a [Hilbert space](/know/concept/hilbert-space/), the **Gram-Schmidt method** turns them into an orthonormal set $\ket{n_1}, \ket{n_2}, ...$ as follows: 1. Take the first vector $\ket{V_1}$ and normalize it to get $\ket{n_1}$: $$\begin{aligned} \ket{n_1} = \frac{\ket{V_1}}{\sqrt{\inprod{V_1}{V_1}}} \end{aligned}$$ 2. Begin loop. Take the next non-orthonormal vector $\ket{V_j}$, and subtract from it its projection onto every already-processed vector: $$\begin{aligned} \ket{n_j'} = \ket{V_j} - \ket{n_1} \inprod{n_1}{V_j} - \ket{n_2} \inprod{n_2}{V_j} - ... - \ket{n_{j-1}} \inprod{n_{j-1}}{V_{j-1}} \end{aligned}$$ This leaves only the part of $\ket{V_j}$ which is orthogonal to $\ket{n_1}$, $\ket{n_2}$, etc. This why the input vectors must be linearly independent; otherwise $\Ket{n_j'}$ may become zero at some point. 3. Normalize the resulting ortho*gonal* vector $\ket{n_j'}$ to make it ortho*normal*: $$\begin{aligned} \ket{n_j} = \frac{\ket{n_j'}}{\sqrt{\inprod{n_j'}{n_j'}}} \end{aligned}$$ 4. Loop back to step 2, taking the next vector $\ket{V_{j+1}}$. If you are unfamiliar with this notation, take a look at [Dirac notation](/know/concept/dirac-notation/). ## References 1. R. Shankar, *Principles of quantum mechanics*, 2nd edition, Springer.