--- title: "Grand canonical ensemble" sort_title: "Grand canonical ensemble" date: 2021-07-11 categories: - Physics - Thermodynamics - Thermodynamic ensembles layout: "concept" --- The **grand canonical ensemble** or **μVT ensemble** extends the [canonical ensemble](/know/concept/canonical-ensemble/) by allowing the exchange of both energy $$U$$ and particles $$N$$ with an external reservoir, so that the conserved state functions are the temperature $$T$$, the volume $$V$$, and the chemical potential $$\mu$$. The derivation is practically identical to that of the canonical ensemble. We refer to the system of interest as $$A$$, and the reservoir as $$B$$. In total, $$A\!+\!B$$ has energy $$U$$ and population $$N$$. Let $$c_B(U_B)$$ be the number of $$B$$-microstates with energy $$U_B$$. Then the probability that $$A$$ is in a specific microstate $$s_A$$ is as follows: $$\begin{aligned} p(s) = \frac{c_B\big(U - U_A(s_A), N - N_A(s_A)\big)}{\sum_{s_A} c_B\big(U \!-\! U_A(s_A), N \!-\! N_A(s_A)\big)} \end{aligned}$$ Then, as for the canonical ensemble, we assume $$U_B \gg U_A$$ and $$N_B \gg N_A$$, and approximate $$\ln{p(s_A)}$$ by Taylor-expanding $$\ln{c_B}$$ around $$U_B = U$$ and $$N_B = N$$. The resulting probability distribution is known as the **Gibbs distribution**, with $$\beta \equiv 1/(kT)$$: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ p(s_A) = \frac{1}{\mathcal{Z}} \exp\!\Big(\!-\! \beta \: \big( U_A(s_A) \!-\! \mu N_A(s_A) \big) \Big) } \end{aligned}$$ Where the normalizing **grand partition function** $$\mathcal{Z}(\mu, V, T)$$ is defined as follows: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \mathcal{Z} \equiv \sum_{s_A}^{} \exp\!\Big(\!-\! \beta \: \big( U_A(s_A) - \mu N_A(s_A) \big) \Big) } \end{aligned}$$ In contrast to the canonical ensemble, whose [thermodynamic potential](/know/concept/thermodynamic-potential/) was the Helmholtz free energy $$F$$, the grand canonical ensemble instead minimizes the **grand potential** $$\Omega$$: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \Omega(T, V, \mu) \equiv - k T \ln{\mathcal{Z}} = \Expval{U_A} - T S_A - \mu \Expval{N_A} } \end{aligned}$$ So $$\mathcal{Z} = \exp(- \beta \Omega)$$. This is proven in the same way as for $$F$$ in the canonical ensemble. ## References 1. H. Gould, J. Tobochnik, *Statistical and thermal physics*, 2nd edition, Princeton.