--- title: "Heisenberg picture" sort_title: "Heisenberg picture" date: 2021-02-24 categories: - Quantum mechanics - Physics layout: "concept" --- The **Heisenberg picture** is an alternative formulation of quantum mechanics, and is equivalent to the traditionally-taught Schrödinger equation. In the Schrödinger picture, the operators (observables) are fixed (as long as they do not depend on time), while the state $$\Ket{\psi_S(t)}$$ changes according to the Schrödinger equation, which can be written using the generator of translations $$\hat{U}(t)$$ like so, for a time-independent $$\hat{H}_S$$: $$\begin{aligned} \Ket{\psi_S(t)} = \hat{U}(t) \Ket{\psi_S(0)} \qquad \quad \boxed{ \hat{U}(t) \equiv \exp\!\bigg(\!-\! i \frac{\hat{H}_S t}{\hbar} \bigg) } \end{aligned}$$ In contrast, the Heisenberg picture reverses the roles: the states $$\Ket{\psi_H}$$ are invariant, and instead the operators vary with time. An advantage of this is that the basis states remain the same. Given a Schrödinger-picture state $$\Ket{\psi_S(t)}$$, and operator $$\hat{L}_S(t)$$ which may or may not depend on time, they can be converted to the Heisenberg picture by the following change of basis: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \Ket{\psi_H} \equiv \Ket{\psi_S(0)} \qquad \hat{L}_H(t) \equiv \hat{U}^\dagger(t) \: \hat{L}_S(t) \: \hat{U}(t) } \end{aligned}$$ Since $$\hat{U}(t)$$ is unitary, the expectation value of a given operator is unchanged: $$\begin{aligned} \expval{\hat{L}_H} &= \matrixel{\psi_H}{\hat{L}_H(t)}{\psi_H} = \matrixel{\psi_S(0)}{\hat{U}^\dagger(t) \: \hat{L}_S(t) \: \hat{U}(t)}{\psi_S(0)} \\ &= \matrixel{\hat{U}(t) \psi_S(0)}{\hat{L}_S(t)}{\hat{U}(t) \psi_S(0)} = \matrixel{\psi_S(t)}{\hat{L}_S}{\psi_S(t)} = \expval{\hat{L}_S} \end{aligned}$$ The Schrödinger and Heisenberg pictures therefore respectively correspond to active and passive transformations by $$\hat{U}(t)$$ in [Hilbert space](/know/concept/hilbert-space/). The two formulations are thus entirely equivalent, and can be derived from one another, as will be shown shortly. In the Heisenberg picture, the states are constant, so the time-dependent Schrödinger equation is not directly useful. Instead, we will use it derive a new equation for $$\hat{L}_H(t)$$. The key is that the generator $$\hat{U}(t)$$ is defined from the Schrödinger equation: $$\begin{aligned} \dv{}{t}\hat{U}(t) = - \frac{i}{\hbar} \hat{H}_S(t) \: \hat{U}(t) \end{aligned}$$ Where $$\hat{H}_S(t)$$ may depend on time. We differentiate the definition of $$\hat{L}_H(t)$$ and insert the other side of the Schrödinger equation when necessary: $$\begin{aligned} \dv{}{\hat{L}H}{t} &= \dv{\hat{U}^\dagger}{t} \hat{L}_S \hat{U} + \hat{U}^\dagger \hat{L}_S \dv{\hat{U}}{t} + \hat{U}^\dagger \dv{\hat{L}_S}{t} \hat{U} \\ &= \frac{i}{\hbar} \hat{U}^\dagger \hat{H}_S (\hat{U} \hat{U}^\dagger) \hat{L}_S \hat{U} - \frac{i}{\hbar} \hat{U}^\dagger \hat{L}_S (\hat{U} \hat{U}^\dagger) \hat{H}_S \hat{U} + \Big( \dv{\hat{L}_S}{t} \Big)_H \\ &= \frac{i}{\hbar} \hat{H}_H \hat{L}_H - \frac{i}{\hbar} \hat{L}_H \hat{H}_H + \Big( \dv{\hat{L}_S}{t} \Big)_H = \frac{i}{\hbar} \comm{\hat{H}_H}{\hat{L}_H} + \Big( \dv{\hat{L}_S}{t} \Big)_H \end{aligned}$$ We thus get the equation of motion for operators in the Heisenberg picture: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \dv{}{t}\hat{L}_H(t) = \frac{i}{\hbar} \comm{\hat{H}_H(t)}{\hat{L}_H(t)} + \Big( \dv{}{t}\hat{L}_S(t) \Big)_H } \end{aligned}$$ This equation is closer to classical mechanics than the Schrödinger picture: inserting the position $$\hat{X}$$ and momentum $$\hat{P} = - i \hbar \: \idv{}{\hat{X}}$$ gives the following Newton-style equations: $$\begin{aligned} \dv{\hat{X}}{t} &= \frac{i}{\hbar} \comm{\hat{H}}{\hat{X}} = \frac{\hat{P}}{m} \\ \dv{\hat{P}}{t} &= \frac{i}{\hbar} \comm{\hat{H}}{\hat{P}} = - \dv{V(\hat{X})}{\hat{X}} \end{aligned}$$ For a proof, see [Ehrenfest's theorem](/know/concept/ehrenfests-theorem/), which is closely related to the Heisenberg picture.