--- title: "Matsubara Green's function" sort_title: "Matsubara Green's function" date: 2021-11-12 categories: - Physics - Quantum mechanics layout: "concept" --- The **Matsubara Green's function** is an [imaginary-time](/know/concept/imaginary-time/) version of the real-time [Green's functions](/know/concept/greens-functions/). We define as follows in the imaginary-time [Heisenberg picture](/know/concept/heisenberg-picture/): $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ C_{AB}(\tau, \tau') \equiv -\frac{1}{\hbar} \Expval{\mathcal{T} \big\{ \hat{A}(\tau) \hat{B}(\tau') \big\}} } \end{aligned}$$ Where the expectation value $\Expval{}$ is with respect to thermodynamic equilibrium, and $\mathcal{T}$ is the [time-ordered product](/know/concept/time-ordered-product/) pseudo-operator. Because the Hamiltonian $\hat{H}$ cannot depend on the imaginary time, $C_{AB}$ is a function of the difference $\tau \!-\! \tau'$ only: $$\begin{aligned} C_{AB}(\tau, \tau') &= - \frac{1}{\hbar Z} \Tr\!\Big( e^{-\beta \hat{H}} \hat{A}(\tau) \hat{B}(\tau') \Big) \\ &= - \frac{1}{\hbar Z} \Tr\!\Big( e^{-\beta \hat{H}} e^{\tau \hat{H} / \hbar} \hat{A} e^{-\tau \hat{H} / \hbar} e^{\tau' \hat{H} / \hbar} \hat{B} e^{-\tau' \hat{H} / \hbar} \Big) \\ &= - \frac{1}{\hbar Z} \Tr\!\Big( e^{-\beta \hat{H}} e^{(\tau - \tau') \hat{H} / \hbar} \hat{A} e^{-(\tau - \tau') \hat{H} / \hbar} \hat{B} \Big) \end{aligned}$$ For $\tau > \tau'$, we see by expanding in the many-particle eigenstates $\Ket{n}$ that we need to demand $\hbar \beta > \tau \!-\! \tau'$ to prevent $C_{AB}$ from diverging for increasing temperatures: $$\begin{aligned} C_{AB}(\tau \!-\! \tau') &= - \frac{1}{\hbar Z} \sum_{n} \Matrixel{n}{e^{-\beta \hat{H}} e^{(\tau - \tau') \hat{H} / \hbar} \hat{A} e^{-(\tau - \tau') \hat{H} / \hbar} \hat{B}}{n} \\ &= - \frac{1}{\hbar Z} \sum_{n} \Matrixel{n}{\hat{A} e^{-(\tau - \tau') \hat{H} / \hbar} \hat{B}}{n} e^{-\beta E_n} e^{(\tau - \tau') E_n / \hbar} \end{aligned}$$ And likewise, for $\tau < \tau'$, we must demand that $\tau \!-\! \tau' > -\hbar \beta$ for the same reason: $$\begin{aligned} C_{AB}(\tau \!-\! \tau') &= \mp \frac{1}{\hbar Z} \Tr\!\Big( e^{-\beta \hat{H}} \hat{B}(\tau') \hat{A}(\tau) \Big) \\ &= \mp \frac{1}{\hbar Z} \Tr\!\Big( e^{-\beta \hat{H}} e^{-(\tau - \tau') \hat{H} / \hbar} \hat{B} e^{(\tau - \tau') \hat{H} / \hbar} \hat{A} \Big) \\ &= \mp \frac{1}{\hbar Z} \sum_{n} \Matrixel{n}{\hat{B} e^{(\tau - \tau') \hat{H} / \hbar} \hat{A}}{n} e^{-\beta E_n} e^{- (\tau - \tau') E_n / \hbar} \end{aligned}$$ With $-$ for bosons, and $+$ for fermions, due to the time-ordered product for $\tau > \tau'$. On this domain $[-\hbar \beta, \hbar \beta]$, the Matsubara Green's function $C_{AB}$ obeys a useful shift relation: it is $\hbar \beta$-periodic for bosons, and $\hbar \beta$-antiperiodic for fermions: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ C_{AB}(\tau \!-\! \tau') = \begin{cases} \pm C_{AB}(\tau \!-\! \tau' \!+\! \hbar \beta) & \mathrm{if\;} \tau \!-\! \tau' < 0 \\ \pm C_{AB}(\tau \!-\! \tau' \!-\! \hbar \beta) & \mathrm{if\;} \tau \!-\! \tau' > 0 \end{cases} } \end{aligned}$$
Due to this limited domain $\tau \in [-\hbar \beta, \hbar \beta]$, the [Fourier transform](/know/concept/fourier-transform/) of $C_{AB}(\tau)$ consists of discrete frequencies $k_n \equiv n \pi / (\hbar \beta)$. The forward and inverse Fourier transforms are therefore defined as given below (with $\tau' = 0$). It is convention to write $C_{AB}(i k_n)$ instead of $C_{AB}(k_n)$: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \begin{aligned} C_{AB}(i k_n) &\equiv \frac{1}{2} \int_{-\hbar \beta}^{\hbar \beta} C_{AB}(\tau) \: e^{i k_n \tau} \dd{\tau} \\ C_{AB}(\tau) &= \frac{1}{\hbar \beta} \sum_{n = -\infty}^\infty C_{AB}(i k_n) e^{-i k_n \tau} \end{aligned} } \end{aligned}$$
Let us now define the **Matsubara frequencies** $\omega_n$ as a species-dependent subset of $k_n$: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \omega_n \equiv \begin{cases} \displaystyle\frac{2 n \pi}{\hbar \beta} & \mathrm{bosons} \\ \displaystyle\frac{(2 n + 1) \pi}{\hbar \beta} & \mathrm{fermions} \end{cases} } \end{aligned}$$ With this, we can rewrite the definition of the forward Fourier transform as follows: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ C_{AB}(i \omega_n) = \int_0^{\hbar \beta} C_{AB}(\tau) \: e^{i \omega_n \tau} \dd{\tau} = \int_{-\hbar \beta}^0 C_{AB}(\tau) \: e^{i \omega_n \tau} \dd{\tau} } \end{aligned}$$
If we actually evaluate this, we obtain the following form of $C_{AB}$, which is almost identical to the [Lehmann representation](/know/concept/lehmann-representation/) of the "ordinary" retarded and advanced Green's functions: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ C_{AB}(i \omega_m) = \frac{1}{Z} \sum_{n n'} \frac{\matrixel{n}{\hat{A}}{n'} \matrixel{n'}{\hat{B}}{n}}{i \hbar \omega_m + E_n - E_{n'}} \Big( e^{-\beta E_n} \mp e^{- \beta E_{n'}} \Big) } \end{aligned}$$
This gives us the primary use of the Matsubara Green's function $C_{AB}$: calculating the retarded $C_{AB}^R$ and advanced $C_{AB}^A$. Once we have an expression for Matsubara's $C_{AB}$, we can recover $C_{AB}^R$ and $C_{AB}^A$ by substituting $i \omega_m \to \omega \!+\! i \eta$ and $i \omega_m \to \omega \!-\! i \eta$ respectively. In general, we can define the **canonical Green's function** $C_{AB}(z)$ on the complex plane: $$\begin{aligned} C_{AB}(z) = \frac{1}{Z} \sum_{n n'} \frac{\matrixel{n}{\hat{A}}{n'} \matrixel{n'}{\hat{B}}{n}}{z + E_n - E_{n'}} \Big( e^{-\beta E_n} \mp e^{- \beta E_{n'}} \Big) \end{aligned}$$ This is a [holomorphic function](/know/concept/holomorphic-function/), except for poles on the real axis. It turns out that $C_{AB}(z)$ must have these properties for the substitution $i \omega_n \to \omega \!\pm\! i \eta$ to be valid. ## References 1. H. Bruus, K. Flensberg, *Many-body quantum theory in condensed matter physics*, 2016, Oxford.