--- title: "Pauli exclusion principle" sort_title: "Pauli exclusion principle" date: 2021-02-22 categories: - Quantum mechanics - Physics layout: "concept" --- In quantum mechanics, the **Pauli exclusion principle** is a theorem with profound consequences for how the world works. Suppose we have a composite state $$\ket{x_1}\ket{x_2} = \ket{x_1} \otimes \ket{x_2}$$, where the two identical particles $$x_1$$ and $$x_2$$ each can occupy the same two allowed states $$a$$ and $$b$$. We then define the permutation operator $$\hat{P}$$ as follows: $$\begin{aligned} \hat{P} \Ket{a}\Ket{b} = \Ket{b}\Ket{a} \end{aligned}$$ That is, it swaps the states of the particles. Obviously, swapping the states twice simply gives the original configuration again, so: $$\begin{aligned} \hat{P}^2 \Ket{a}\Ket{b} = \Ket{a}\Ket{b} \end{aligned}$$ Therefore, $$\Ket{a}\Ket{b}$$ is an eigenvector of $$\hat{P}^2$$ with eigenvalue $$1$$. Since $$[\hat{P}, \hat{P}^2] = 0$$, $$\Ket{a}\Ket{b}$$ must also be an eigenket of $$\hat{P}$$ with eigenvalue $$\lambda$$, satisfying $$\lambda^2 = 1$$, so we know that $$\lambda = 1$$ or $$\lambda = -1$$: $$\begin{aligned} \hat{P} \Ket{a}\Ket{b} = \lambda \Ket{a}\Ket{b} \end{aligned}$$ As it turns out, in nature, each class of particle has a single associated permutation eigenvalue $$\lambda$$, or in other words: whether $$\lambda$$ is $$-1$$ or $$1$$ depends on the type of particle that $$x_1$$ and $$x_2$$ are. Particles with $$\lambda = -1$$ are called **fermions**, and those with $$\lambda = 1$$ are known as **bosons**. We define $$\hat{P}_f$$ with $$\lambda = -1$$ and $$\hat{P}_b$$ with $$\lambda = 1$$, such that: $$\begin{aligned} \hat{P}_f \Ket{a}\Ket{b} = \Ket{b}\Ket{a} = - \Ket{a}\Ket{b} \qquad \hat{P}_b \Ket{a}\Ket{b} = \Ket{b}\Ket{a} = \Ket{a}\Ket{b} \end{aligned}$$ Another fundamental fact of nature is that identical particles cannot be distinguished by any observation. Therefore it is impossible to tell apart $$\Ket{a}\Ket{b}$$ and the permuted state $$\Ket{b}\Ket{a}$$, regardless of the eigenvalue $$\lambda$$. There is no physical difference! But this does not mean that $$\hat{P}$$ is useless: despite not having any observable effect, the resulting difference between fermions and bosons is absolutely fundamental. Consider the following superposition state, where $$\alpha$$ and $$\beta$$ are unknown: $$\begin{aligned} \Ket{\Psi(a, b)} = \alpha \Ket{a}\Ket{b} + \beta \Ket{b}\Ket{a} \end{aligned}$$ When we apply $$\hat{P}$$, we can "choose" between two "intepretations" of its action, both shown below. Obviously, since the left-hand sides are equal, the right-hand sides must be equal too: $$\begin{aligned} \hat{P} \Ket{\Psi(a, b)} &= \lambda \alpha \Ket{a}\Ket{b} + \lambda \beta \Ket{b}\Ket{a} \\ \hat{P} \Ket{\Psi(a, b)} &= \alpha \Ket{b}\Ket{a} + \beta \Ket{a}\Ket{b} \end{aligned}$$ This gives us the equations $$\lambda \alpha = \beta$$ and $$\lambda \beta = \alpha$$. In fact, just from this we could have deduced that $$\lambda$$ can be either $$-1$$ or $$1$$. In any case, for bosons ($$\lambda = 1$$), we thus find that $$\alpha = \beta$$: $$\begin{aligned} \Ket{\Psi(a, b)}_b = C \big( \Ket{a}\Ket{b} + \Ket{b}\Ket{a} \big) \end{aligned}$$ Where $$C$$ is a normalization constant. As expected, this state is **symmetric**: switching $$a$$ and $$b$$ gives the same result. Meanwhile, for fermions ($$\lambda = -1$$), we find that $$\alpha = -\beta$$: $$\begin{aligned} \Ket{\Psi(a, b)}_f = C \big( \Ket{a}\Ket{b} - \Ket{b}\Ket{a} \big) \end{aligned}$$ This state is called **antisymmetric** under exchange: switching $$a$$ and $$b$$ causes a sign change, as we would expect for fermions. Now, what if the particles $$x_1$$ and $$x_2$$ are in the same state $$a$$? For bosons, we just need to update the normalization constant $$C$$: $$\begin{aligned} \Ket{\Psi(a, a)}_b = C \Ket{a}\Ket{a} \end{aligned}$$ However, for fermions, the state is unnormalizable and thus unphysical: $$\begin{aligned} \Ket{\Psi(a, a)}_f = C \big( \Ket{a}\Ket{a} - \Ket{a}\Ket{a} \big) = 0 \end{aligned}$$ And this is the Pauli exclusion principle: **fermions may never occupy the same quantum state**. One of the many notable consequences of this is that the shells of atoms only fit a limited number of electrons (which are fermions), since each must have a different quantum number.