--- title: "Residue theorem" sort_title: "Residue theorem" date: 2021-11-13 categories: - Mathematics - Complex analysis layout: "concept" --- A function $f(z)$ is **meromorphic** if it is [holomorphic](/know/concept/holomorphic-function/) except in a finite number of **simple poles**, which are points $z_p$ where $f(z_p)$ diverges, but where the product $(z - z_p) f(z)$ is non-zero and still holomorphic close to $z_p$. In other words, $f(z)$ can be approximated close to $z_p$: $$\begin{aligned} f(z) \approx \frac{R_p}{z - z_p} \end{aligned}$$ Where the **residue** $R_p$ of a simple pole $z_p$ is defined as follows, and represents the rate at which $f(z)$ diverges close to $z_p$: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ R_p = \lim_{z \to z_p} (z - z_p) f(z) } \end{aligned}$$ **Cauchy's residue theorem** for meromorphic functions is a generalization of Cauchy's integral theorem for holomorphic functions, and states that the integral on a contour $C$ purely depends on the simple poles $z_p$ enclosed by $C$: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \oint_C f(z) \dd{z} = i 2 \pi \sum_{z_p} R_p } \end{aligned}$$
This theorem might not seem very useful, but in fact, by cleverly choosing the contour $C$, it lets us evaluate many integrals along the real axis, most notably [Fourier transforms](/know/concept/fourier-transform/). It can also be used to derive the [Kramers-Kronig relations](/know/concept/kramers-kronig-relations).