--- title: "Selection rules" sort_title: "Selection rules" date: 2021-06-02 categories: - Physics - Quantum mechanics layout: "concept" --- In quantum mechanics, it is often necessary to evaluate matrix elements of the following form, where $$\ell$$ and $$m$$ respectively represent the total angular momentum and its $$z$$-component: $$\begin{aligned} \matrixel{f}{\hat{O}}{i} = \matrixel{\ell_f m_f}{\hat{O}}{\ell_i m_i} \end{aligned}$$ Where $$\hat{O}$$ is an operator, $$\Ket{i}$$ is an initial state, and $$\Ket{f}$$ is a final state (usually at least; $$\Ket{i}$$ and $$\Ket{f}$$ can be any states). **Selection rules** are requirements on the relations between $$\ell_i$$, $$\ell_f$$, $$m_i$$ and $$m_f$$, which, if not met, guarantee that the above matrix element is zero. ## Parity rules Let $$\hat{O}$$ denote any operator which is odd under spatial inversion (parity): $$\begin{aligned} \hat{\Pi}^\dagger \hat{O} \hat{\Pi} = - \hat{O} \end{aligned}$$ Where $$\hat{\Pi}$$ is the parity operator. We wrap this property of $$\hat{O}$$ in the states $$\Ket{\ell_f m_f}$$ and $$\Ket{\ell_i m_i}$$: $$\begin{aligned} \matrixel{\ell_f m_f}{\hat{O}}{\ell_i m_i} &= - \matrixel{\ell_f m_f}{\hat{\Pi}^\dagger \hat{O} \hat{\Pi}}{\ell_i m_i} \\ &= - \matrixel{\ell_f m_f}{(-1)^{\ell_f} \hat{O} (-1)^{\ell_i}}{\ell_i m_i} \\ &= (-1)^{\ell_f + \ell_i + 1} \matrixel{\ell_f m_f}{\hat{O}}{\ell_i m_i} \end{aligned}$$ Which clearly can only be true if the exponent is even, so $$\Delta \ell \equiv \ell_f - \ell_i$$ must be odd. This leads to the following selection rule, often referred to as **Laporte's rule**: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \Delta \ell \:\:\text{is odd} } \end{aligned}$$ If this is not the case, then the only possible way that the above equation can be satisfied is if the matrix element vanishes $$\matrixel{\ell_f m_f}{\hat{O}}{\ell_i m_i} = 0$$. We can derive an analogous rule for any operator $$\hat{E}$$ which is even under parity: $$\begin{aligned} \hat{\Pi}^\dagger \hat{E} \hat{\Pi} = \hat{E} \quad \implies \quad \boxed{ \Delta \ell \:\:\text{is even} } \end{aligned}$$ ## Dipole rules Arguably the most common operator found in such matrix elements is a position vector operator, like $$\vu{r}$$ or $$\hat{x}$$, and the associated selection rules are known as **dipole rules**. For the $$z$$-component of angular momentum $$m$$ we have the following: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \Delta m = 0 \:\:\mathrm{or}\: \pm 1 } \end{aligned}$$
Meanwhile, for the total angular momentum $$\ell$$ we have the following: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \Delta \ell = \pm 1 } \end{aligned}$$
## Rotational rules Given a general (pseudo)scalar operator $$\hat{s}$$, which, by nature, must satisfy the following relations with the angular momentum operators: $$\begin{aligned} \comm{\hat{L}^2}{\hat{s}} = 0 \qquad \comm{\hat{L}_z}{\hat{s}} = 0 \qquad \comm{\hat{L}_{\pm}}{\hat{s}} = 0 \end{aligned}$$ Where $$\hat{L}_\pm \equiv \hat{L}_x \pm i \hat{L}_y$$. The inner product of any such $$\hat{s}$$ must obey these selection rules: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \Delta \ell = 0 } \qquad \quad \boxed{ \Delta m = 0 } \end{aligned}$$ It is common to write this in the following more complete way, where $$\matrixel{\ell_f}{|\hat{s}|}{\ell_i}$$ is the **reduced matrix element**, which is identical to $$\matrixel{\ell_f m_f}{\hat{s}}{\ell_i m_i}$$, but with a different notation to say that it does not depend on $$m_f$$ or $$m_i$$: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \matrixel{\ell_f m_f}{\hat{s}}{\ell_i m_i} = \delta_{\ell_f \ell_i} \delta_{m_f m_i} \matrixel{\ell_f}{|\hat{s}|}{\ell_i} } \end{aligned}$$
Similarly, given a general (pseudo)vector operator $$\vu{V}$$, which, by nature, must satisfy the following commutation relations, where $$\hat{V}_\pm \equiv \hat{V}_x \pm i \hat{V}_y$$: $$\begin{gathered} \comm{\hat{L}_z}{\hat{V}_z} = 0 \qquad \comm{\hat{L}_z}{\hat{V}_{\pm}} = \pm \hbar \hat{V}_{\pm} \qquad \comm{\hat{L}_{\pm}}{\hat{V}_z} = \mp \hbar \hat{V}_{\pm} \\ \comm{\hat{L}_{\pm}}{\hat{V}_{\pm}} = 0 \qquad \comm{\hat{L}_{\pm}}{\hat{V}_{\mp}} = \pm 2 \hbar \hat{V}_z \end{gathered}$$ The inner product of any such $$\vu{V}$$ must obey the following selection rules: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \Delta \ell = 0 \:\:\mathrm{or}\: \pm 1 } \qquad \boxed{ \Delta m = 0 \:\:\mathrm{or}\: \pm 1 } \end{aligned}$$ In fact, the complete result involves the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients (from spin addition): $$\begin{gathered} \boxed{ \matrixel{\ell_f m_f}{\hat{V}_{z}}{\ell_i m_i} = C^{\ell_i \: 1 \: \ell_f}_{m_i \: 0 \:m_f} \matrixel{\ell_f}{|\hat{V}|}{\ell_i} } \\ \boxed{ \matrixel{\ell_f m_f}{\hat{V}_{+}}{\ell_i m_i} = - \sqrt{2} C^{\ell_i \: 1 \: \ell_f}_{m_i \: 1 \:m_f} \matrixel{\ell_f}{|\hat{V}|}{\ell_i} } \\ \boxed{ \matrixel{\ell_f m_f}{\hat{V}_{-}}{\ell_i m_i} = \sqrt{2} C^{\ell_i \: 1 \: \ell_f}_{m_i \: -1 \:m_f} \matrixel{\ell_f}{|\hat{V}}{|\ell_i} } \end{gathered}$$ ## Superselection rule Selection rules are not always about atomic electron transitions, or angular momenta even. According to the **principle of indistinguishability**, permuting identical particles never leads to an observable difference. In other words, the particles are fundamentally indistinguishable, so for any observable $$\hat{O}$$ and multi-particle state $$\Ket{\Psi}$$, we can say: $$\begin{aligned} \matrixel{\Psi}{\hat{O}}{\Psi} = \matrixel{\hat{P} \Psi}{\hat{O}}{\hat{P} \Psi} \end{aligned}$$ Where $$\hat{P}$$ is an arbitrary permutation operator. Indistinguishability implies that $$\comm{\hat{P}}{\hat{O}} = 0$$ for all $$\hat{O}$$ and $$\hat{P}$$, which lets us prove the above equation, using that $$\hat{P}$$ is unitary: $$\begin{aligned} \matrixel{\hat{P} \Psi}{\hat{O}}{\hat{P} \Psi} = \matrixel{\Psi}{\hat{P}^{-1} \hat{O} \hat{P}}{\Psi} = \matrixel{\Psi}{\hat{P}^{-1} \hat{P} \hat{O}}{\Psi} = \matrixel{\Psi}{\hat{O}}{\Psi} \end{aligned}$$ Consider a symmetric state $$\Ket{s}$$ and an antisymmetric state $$\Ket{a}$$ (see [Pauli exclusion principle](/know/concept/pauli-exclusion-principle/)), which obey the following for a permutation $$\hat{P}$$: $$\begin{aligned} \hat{P} \Ket{s} = \Ket{s} \qquad \hat{P} \Ket{a} = - \Ket{a} \end{aligned}$$ Any obervable $$\hat{O}$$ then satisfies the equation below, again thanks to the fact that $$\hat{P} = \hat{P}^{-1}$$: $$\begin{aligned} \matrixel{s}{\hat{O}}{a} = \matrixel{\hat{P} s}{\hat{O}}{a} = \matrixel{s}{\hat{P}^{-1} \hat{O}}{a} = \matrixel{s}{\hat{O} \hat{P}}{a} = \matrixel{s}{\hat{O}}{\hat{P} a} = - \matrixel{s}{\hat{O}}{a} \end{aligned}$$ This leads us to the **superselection rule**, which states that there can never be any interference between states of different permutation symmetry: $$\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \matrixel{s}{\hat{O}}{a} = 0 } \end{aligned}$$ ## References 1. D.J. Griffiths, D.F. Schroeter, *Introduction to quantum mechanics*, 3rd edition, Cambridge.