--- title: "Self-phase modulation" sort_title: "Self-phase modulation" date: 2021-02-26 categories: - Physics - Optics - Fiber optics - Nonlinear optics layout: "concept" --- In fiber optics, **self-phase modulation** (SPM) is a nonlinear effect that gradually broadens pulses' spectra. Unlike dispersion, SPM creates frequencies: in the $$\omega$$-domain, the pulse steadily spreads out in a distinctive "accordion" shape. Lower frequencies are created at the front of the pulse and higher ones at the back, giving S-shaped spectrograms. A pulse envelope $$A(z, t)$$ inside a fiber must obey the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, where the parameters $$\beta_2$$ and $$\gamma$$ respectively control dispersion and nonlinearity: $$\begin{aligned} 0 = i \pdv{A}{z} - \frac{\beta_2}{2} \pdvn{2}{A}{t} + \gamma |A|^2 A \end{aligned}$$ By setting $$\beta_2 = 0$$ to neglect dispersion, solving this equation becomes trivial. For any arbitrary input pulse $$A_0(t) = A(0, t)$$, we arrive at the following analytical solution: $$\begin{aligned} A(z,t) = A_0 \exp\!\big( i \gamma |A_0|^2 z\big) \end{aligned}$$ The intensity $$|A|^2$$ in the time domain is thus unchanged, and only its phase is modified. Clearly, the largest phase shift increase occurs at the peak, where the intensity is $$P_0$$. To quantify this, it is useful to define the **nonlinear length** $$L_N$$, which gives the distance after which the phase of the peak has increased by exactly 1 radian: $$\begin{aligned} \gamma P_0 L_N = 1 \qquad \implies \qquad \boxed{ L_N \equiv \frac{1}{\gamma P_0} } \end{aligned}$$ SPM is illustrated below for the following Gaussian initial pulse envelope, with parameter values $$T_0 = 6\:\mathrm{ps}$$, $$P_0 = 1\:\mathrm{kW}$$, $$\beta_2 = 0$$, and $$\gamma = 0.1/\mathrm{W}/\mathrm{m}$$: $$\begin{aligned} A(0, t) = \sqrt{P_0} \exp\!\Big(\!-\!\frac{t^2}{2 T_0^2}\Big) \end{aligned}$$ From earlier, we then know the analytical solution for the $$z$$-evolution: $$\begin{aligned} A(z, t) = \sqrt{P_0} \exp\!\Big(\!-\!\frac{t^2}{2 T_0^2}\Big) \exp\!\bigg( i \gamma z P_0 \exp\!\Big(\!-\!\frac{t^2}{T_0^2}\Big) \bigg) \end{aligned}$$ {% include image.html file="simulation-full.png" width="100%" alt="Self-phase modulation simulation results" %} The **instantaneous frequency** $$\omega_\mathrm{SPM}(z, t)$$, which describes the dominant angular frequency at a given point in the time domain, is found to be as follows for the Gaussian pulse, where $$\phi(z, t)$$ is the phase of $$A(z, t) = \sqrt{P(z, t)} \exp(i \phi(z, t))$$: $$\begin{aligned} \omega_{\mathrm{SPM}}(z,t) = - \pdv{\phi}{t} = 2 \gamma z P_0 \frac{t}{T_0^2} \exp\!\Big(\!-\!\frac{t^2}{T_0^2}\Big) \end{aligned}$$ This result gives the S-shaped spectrograms seen in the illustration. The frequency shift thus not only depends on $$L_N$$, but also on $$T_0$$: the spectra of narrow pulses broaden much faster. The interaction between self-phase modulation and [dispersion](/know/concept/dispersive-broadening/) leads to many interesting effects, such as [modulational instability](/know/concept/modulational-instability/) and [optical wave breaking](/know/concept/optical-wave-breaking/). ## References 1. O. Bang, *Numerical methods in photonics: lecture notes*, 2019, unpublished.