--- title: "Superdense coding" sort_title: "Superdense coding" date: 2021-03-07 categories: - Quantum information layout: "concept" --- In quantum information, **(super)dense coding** is a protocol to enhance classical communication. It uses a quantum communication channel and [entanglement](/know/concept/quantum-entanglement/) to send two bits of classical data with just one qubit. It is conceptually similar to [quantum teleportation](/know/concept/quantum-teleportation/). Suppose that Alice wants to send two bits of classical data to Bob, but she can only communicate with him over a quantum channel. She could send a qubit, which has a larger state space than a classical bit, but it can only be measured once, thereby yielding only one bit of data. However, they are already sharing an entangled pair of qubits in the [Bell state](/know/concept/bell-state/) $\ket{\Phi^{+}}_{AB}$, where $A$ and $B$ are qubits belonging to Alice and Bob, respectively. Based on the values of the two classical bits $(a_1, a_2)$, Alice performs the following operations on her side $A$ of the Bell state:
$(a_1, a_2)$ Operator Result
$00$ $\hat{I}$ $\ket{\Phi^{+}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \Big(\Ket{0}_A \Ket{0}_B + \Ket{1}_A \Ket{1}_B \Big)$
$01$ $\hat{\sigma}_z$ $\ket{\Phi^{-}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \Big(\Ket{0}_A \Ket{0}_B - \Ket{1}_A \Ket{1}_B \Big)$
$10$ $\hat{\sigma}_x$ $\ket{\Psi^{+}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \Big(\Ket{0}_A \Ket{1}_B + \Ket{1}_A \Ket{0}_B \Big)$
$11$ $\hat{\sigma}_x \hat{\sigma}_z$ $\ket{\Psi^{-}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \Big(\Ket{0}_A \Ket{1}_B - \Ket{1}_A \Ket{0}_B \Big)$
Her actions affect the state on Bob's side $B$ due to entanglement. Alice then sends her qubit $A$ to Bob over the quantum channel, so he has both sides of the entangled pair. Finally, Bob performs a measurement of his pair in the Bell basis, which will yield a Bell state that he can then look up in the table above to recover the values of the bits $(a_1, a_2)$. In the end, Alice only sent a single qubit, and the rest of the information transfer was via entanglement. ## References 1. J.B. Brask, *Quantum information: lecture notes*, 2021, unpublished.