path: root/content/know/concept/wiener-process/index.pdc
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index 11c7a6e..1919284 100644
--- a/content/know/concept/wiener-process/index.pdc
+++ b/content/know/concept/wiener-process/index.pdc
@@ -68,6 +68,123 @@ since each increment has mean zero (so it is a martingale),
and all increments are independent (so it is a Markov process).
+## Recurrence
+An important question about the Wiener process
+is whether it is **recurrent** or **transient**:
+given a hypersphere (interval in 1D, circle in 2D, sphere in 3D)
+away from the origin, will $B_t$ visit it after a finite time $\tau\!<\!\infty$?
+It is *recurrent* if yes, i.e. $P(\tau \!<\! \infty) = 1$, or *transient* otherwise.
+The answer to this question turns out to depend on the number of dimenions.
+To demonstrate this, we model the $d$-dimensional Wiener process
+as an [Itō diffusion](/know/concept/ito-calculus/) $X_t$,
+which also allows us to shift the initial condition $X_0$
+(or resume a "paused" process):
+ X_t
+ = X_0 + \int_0^t \dd{B_s}
+Consider two hyperspheres, the inner with radius $R_i$,
+and the outer with $R_o > R_i$.
+Let the initial condition $|X_0| \in \, ]R_i, R_o[$,
+then we define the stopping times $\tau_i$, $\tau_o$ and $\tau$ like so:
+ \tau_i
+ \equiv \inf\{ t : |X_t| \le R_i \}
+ \qquad
+ \tau_o
+ \equiv \inf\{ t : |X_t| \ge R_o \}
+ \qquad
+ \tau
+ \equiv \min\{\tau_i, \tau_o\}
+We stop when the inner or outer hypersphere is touched by $X_t$,
+whichever happens first.
+[Dynkin's formula](/know/concept/dynkins-formula/)
+is applicable to this situation, if we define $h(x)$ as follows,
+where the *terminal reward* $\Gamma$ equals $1$ for $|X_\tau| = R_i$,
+and $0$ for $|X_\tau| = R_o$,
+such that $h(X_0)$ equals the probability
+that we touch $R_i$ before $R_o$ for a given $X_0$:
+ h(X_0)
+ = \mathbf{E}\Big[ \Gamma(X_\tau) \Big| X_0 \Big]
+ = P\Big[|X_\tau| \!=\! R_i \:\Big|\: X_0\Big]
+Dynkin's formula then tells us that $h(x)$ is given by the following equation,
+with the boundary conditions $h(R_i) = 1$ and $h(R_o) = 0$:
+ 0
+ = \hat{L}\{h(x)\}
+ = \frac{1}{2} \nabla^2 h(x)
+Thanks to this problem's spherical symmetry,
+$h$ only depends on the radial coodinate $r$,
+so the Laplacian $\nabla^2$ can be written as follows
+in $d$-dimensional [spherical coordinates](/know/concept/spherical-coordinates/):
+ 0
+ = \nabla^2 h(r)
+ = \pdv[2]{h}{r} + \frac{d - 1}{r} \pdv{h}{r}
+For $d = 1$, the solution $h_1(r)$ is as follows,
+of which we take the limit for $R_o \to \infty$:
+ h_1(r)
+ = \frac{r - R_o}{R_i - R_o}
+ \quad\underset{R_o \to \infty}{\longrightarrow}\quad
+ 1
+The outer hypersphere becomes harder to reach for larger $R_o$,
+and for $R_o \to \infty$ we are left with
+the probability of hitting $R_i$ only.
+This turns out to be $1$, so in 1D the Wiener process is recurrent:
+it always comes close to the origin in finite time.
+For $d = 2$, the solution $h_2(r)$ is as follows,
+whose limit turns out to be $1$,
+so the Wiener process is also recurrent in 2D:
+ h_2(r)
+ = 1 - \frac{\log\!(r/R_i)}{\log\!(R_o/R_i)}
+ \quad\underset{R_o \to \infty}{\longrightarrow}\quad
+ 1
+However, for $d \ge 3$, the solution $h_d(r)$
+does not converge to $1$ for $R_o \to \infty$,
+meaning the Wiener process is transient in 3D or higher:
+ h_d(r)
+ = \frac{R_o^{2 - d} - r^{2 - d}}{R_o^{2 - d} - R_i^{2 - d}}
+ \quad\underset{R_o \to \infty}{\longrightarrow}\quad
+ \frac{R_i^{d - 2}}{r^{d - 2}}
+ < 1
+This is a major qualitative difference. For example, consider a situation
+where some substance is diffusing from a localized infinite source:
+in 3D, the substance can escape and therefore a steady state can exist,
+while in 2D, the substance never strays far from the source,
+so no steady state is ever reached as long as the source continues to emit.
## References
1. U.H. Thygesen,