In plasma physics, Langmuir waves are oscillations in the electron density,
which may or may not propagate, depending on the temperature.
Assuming no magnetic fieldB=0,
no ion motion ui=0 (since mi≫me),
and therefore no ion-electron momentum transfer,
the two-fluid equations
tell us that:
These are the electron momentum and continuity equations.
We also need Gauss’ law:
We split ne, ue and E into a base component
(subscript 0) and a perturbation (subscript 1):
Where the perturbations ne1, ue1 and E1 are very small,
and the equilibrium components ne0, ue0 and E0
are assumed to satisfy:
We insert this decomposition into the electron continuity equation,
arguing that ne1ue1 is small enough to neglect, leading to:
Inserting this into the continuity equation and Gauss’ law yields, respectively:
However, there are three unknowns ne1, ue1 and E1,
so one more equation is needed.
Cold Langmuir waves
We therefore turn to the electron momentum equation.
For now, let us assume that the electrons have no thermal motion,
i.e. the electron temperature Te=0, so that pe=0, leaving:
Inserting the decomposition then gives the following,
where we neglect (ue1⋅∇)ue1
because ue1 is so small by assumption:
This result is known as the plasma frequencyωp,
and describes the frequency of cold Langmuir waves,
otherwise known as plasma oscillations:
Note that this is a dispersion relation ω(k)=ωp,
but that ωp does not contain k.
This means that cold Langmuir waves do not propagate:
the oscillation is stationary.
Warm Langmuir waves
Next, we generalize this result to nonzero Te,
in which case the pressure pe is involved:
From the two-fluid thermodynamic equation of state,
we know that ∇pe can be written as:
Recognizing the first term as the plasma frequency ωp2,
we therefore arrive at the Bohm-Gross dispersion relationω(k)
for warm Langmuir waves:
This expression is typically quoted for 1D oscillations,
in which case γ=3 and k=∣k∣:
Unlike for Te=0, these “warm” waves do propagate,
carrying information at group velocity vg,
which, in the limit of large k, is given by:
This is the root-mean-square velocity of the
Maxwell-Boltzmann speed distribution,
meaning that information travels at the thermal velocity for large k.
F.F. Chen,
Introduction to plasma physics and controlled fusion,
3rd edition, Springer.
M. Salewski, A.H. Nielsen,
Plasma physics: lecture notes,
2021, unpublished.