Legendre polynomials
The Legendre polynomials are a set of functions that sometimes arise in physics.
They are the eigenfunctions u(x) of Legendre’s differential equation,
which is a (Sturm-Liouville)
eigenvalue problem for ℓ(ℓ+1),
where ℓ turns out to be a non-negative integer:
The ℓth-degree Legendre polynomial Pℓ(x)
is given in the form of a Rodrigues’ formula by:
The first handful of Legendre polynomials Pℓ(x) are therefore as follows:
And then more Pℓ can be computed quickly
using Bonnet’s recursion formula:
The derivative of a given Pℓ can be calculated recursively
using the following relation:
Noteworthy is that the Legendre polynomials
are mutually orthogonal for x∈[−1,1]:
As was to be expected from Sturm-Liouville theory.
Likewise, they form a complete basis in the
Hilbert space
of piecewise continuous functions f(x) on x∈[−1,1],
Each Legendre polynomial Pℓ comes with
a set of associated Legendre polynomials Pℓm(x)
of order m and degree ℓ.
These are the non-singular solutions of the general Legendre equation,
where m and ℓ are integers satisfying −ℓ≤m≤ℓ:
The ℓth-degree mth-order associated Legendre polynomial Pℓm
is as follows for m≥0:
Here, the (−1)m in front is called the Condon-Shortley phase,
and is omitted by some authors.
For negative orders m,
an additional constant factor is necessary:
Beware, the name is misleading:
if m is odd, then Pℓm is actually not a polynomial.
Moreover, not all Pℓm are mutually orthogonal
(but some are).