Categories: Optics, Physics, Quantum mechanics, Two-level system.

Rotating wave approximation

Consider the following periodic perturbation H^1\hat{H}_1 to a quantum system, which represents e.g. an electromagnetic wave in the electric dipole approximation:

H^1(t)V^cos(ωt)=V^2(eiωt+eiωt)\begin{aligned} \hat{H}_1(t) \equiv \hat{V} \cos(\omega t) = \frac{\hat{V}}{2} \Big( e^{i \omega t} + e^{-i \omega t} \Big) \end{aligned}

Where V^\hat{V} is some operator, and we assume that ω\omega is fairly close to a resonance frequency ω0\omega_0 of the system that is getting perturbed by H^1\hat{H}_1.

As an example, consider a two-level system consisting of states g\ket{g} and e\ket{e}, with a resonance frequency ω0(Ee ⁣ ⁣Eg)/\omega_0 \equiv (E_e \!-\! E_g) / \hbar. From the amplitude rate equations, we know that the general superposition state Ψ=cgg+cee\ket{\Psi} = c_g \ket{g} + c_e \ket{e} evolves as:

idcgdt=gH^1(t)gcg(t)+gH^1(t)ece(t)eiω0tidcedt=eH^1(t)gcg(t)eiω0t+eH^1(t)ece(t)\begin{aligned} i \hbar \dv{c_g}{t} &= \matrixel{g}{\hat{H}_1(t)}{g} c_g(t) + \matrixel{g}{\hat{H}_1(t)}{e} c_e(t) \: e^{- i \omega_0 t} \\ i \hbar \dv{c_e}{t} &= \matrixel{e}{\hat{H}_1(t)}{g} c_g(t) \: e^{i \omega_0 t} + \matrixel{e}{\hat{H}_1(t)}{e} c_e(t) \end{aligned}

Typically, V^\hat{V} has odd spatial parity, in which case Laporte’s selection rule reduces this to:

dcgdt=1igH^1eceeiω0tdcedt=1ieH^1gcgeiω0t\begin{aligned} \dv{c_g}{t} &= \frac{1}{i \hbar} \matrixel{g}{\hat{H}_1}{e} \: c_e \: e^{- i \omega_0 t} \\ \dv{c_e}{t} &= \frac{1}{i \hbar} \matrixel{e}{\hat{H}_1}{g} \: c_g \: e^{i \omega_0 t} \end{aligned}

We now insert the general H^1\hat{H}_1 defined above, and define VegeV^gV_{eg} \equiv \matrixel{e}{\hat{V}}{g} to get:

dcgdt=Vegi2(ei(ωω0)t+ei(ω+ω0)t)cedcedt=Vegi2(ei(ω+ω0)t+ei(ωω0)t)cg\begin{aligned} \dv{c_g}{t} &= \frac{V_{eg}^*}{i 2 \hbar} \Big( e^{i (\omega - \omega_0) t} + e^{- i (\omega + \omega_0) t} \Big) \: c_e \\ \dv{c_e}{t} &= \frac{V_{eg}}{i 2 \hbar} \Big( e^{i (\omega + \omega_0) t} + e^{- i (\omega - \omega_0) t} \Big) \: c_g \end{aligned}

At last, here we make the rotating wave approximation: since ω\omega is assumed to be close to ω0\omega_0, we argue that ω ⁣+ ⁣ω0\omega \!+\! \omega_0 is much larger than ω ⁣ ⁣ω0\omega \!-\! \omega_0, so that those oscillations average out to zero when the system is observed over a realistic time interval. Hence we drop those terms:

ei(ωω0)t+ei(ω+ω0)tei(ωω0)tei(ω+ω0)t+ei(ωω0)tei(ωω0)t\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \begin{aligned} e^{i (\omega - \omega_0) t} + e^{- i (\omega + \omega_0) t} &\approx e^{i (\omega - \omega_0) t} \\ e^{i (\omega + \omega_0) t} + e^{- i (\omega - \omega_0) t} &\approx e^{- i (\omega - \omega_0) t} \end{aligned} } \end{aligned}

Such that our example set of equations can be approximated as shown below, and its analysis can continue (see Rabi oscillation for more):

dcgdt=Vegi2ceei(ωω0)tdcedt=Vegi2cgei(ωω0)t\begin{aligned} \dv{c_g}{t} &= \frac{V_{eg}^*}{i 2 \hbar} c_e \: e^{i (\omega - \omega_0) t} \\ \dv{c_e}{t} &= \frac{V_{eg}}{i 2 \hbar} c_g \: e^{- i (\omega - \omega_0) t} \end{aligned}

This approximation’s name is a bit confusing: the idea is that going from the Schrödinger to the interaction picture involves removing the exponentials of ω0\omega_0 from the above equations, i.e. they are multiplied by eiω0te^{i \omega_0 t} and eiω0te^{- i \omega_0 t} respectively, which can be regarded as a rotation. When we split the wave cos(ωt)\cos(\omega t) into two exponentials, one co-rotates relative to this rotation, and the other counter-rotates. We keep only the co-rotating terms, hence the name.

The rotating wave approximation is usually used in the context of the two-level quantum system for light-matter interactions, as in the above example. However, it is not specific to that case, and it more generally refers to any approximation where fast-oscillating terms are neglected.