If an electric field
with magnitude E is applied to the plasma, the electrons experience
a Lorentz forceqeE
(we neglect the ions due to their mass),
where qe is the electron charge.
However, collisions slow them down while they travel through the plasma.,
This can be modelled as a drag force feimeve,
where fei is the electron-ion collision frequency
(we neglect fee since all electrons are moving together),
me is their mass,
and ve their typical velocity relative to the ions in the background.
Balancing the two forces yields the following relation:
Using that the current density J=qeneve,
we can rearrange this like so:
This is Ohm’s law, where η is the resistivity.
From our derivation of the Coulomb logarithmln(Λ),
we estimate fei to be as follows,
where ni is the ion density,
σ is the collision cross-section,
and μ is the reduced mass
of the electron-ion system:
Where we used that μ≈me,
and qi=−Zqe for some ionization Z,
and as a result ne≈Zni due to the plasma’s quasi-neutrality.
Beware: authors disagree about the constant factors in fei;
recall that it was derived from fairly rough estimates.
This article follows Bellan.
Inserting this expression for fei into
the so-called Spitzer resistivityη then yields:
A reasonable estimate for the typical velocity ve
at thermal equilibrium is as follows,
where kB is Boltzmann’s constant,
and Te is the electron temperature:
Other choices exist,
see e.g. the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution,
but always ve∝Te/me.
Inserting this ve into η then gives:
P.M. Bellan,
Fundamentals of plasma physics,
1st edition, Cambridge.
M. Salewski, A.H. Nielsen,
Plasma physics: lecture notes,
2021, unpublished.