Time-independent perturbation theory, also known as
stationary state perturbation theory, is a specific application of
perturbation theory to the time-independent Schrödinger
equation in quantum physics, for
Hamiltonians of the following form:
Where H^0 is a Hamiltonian for which the time-independent
Schrödinger equation has a known solution, and H^1 is a small
perturbing Hamiltonian. The eigenenergies En and eigenstates
∣ψn⟩ of the composite problem are expanded in the
perturbation “bookkeeping” parameter λ:
If we collect the terms according to the order of λ, we arrive
at the following endless series of equations, of which in practice only
the first three are typically used:
The first equation is the unperturbed problem, which we assume has
already been solved, with eigenvalues En(0)=εn and
eigenvectors ∣ψn(0)⟩=∣n⟩:
The approach to solving the other two equations varies depending on
whether this H^0 has a degenerate spectrum or not.
Without degeneracy
We start by assuming that there is no degeneracy, in other words, each
εn corresponds to one ∣n⟩. At order λ1, we
rewrite the equation as follows:
Since ∣n⟩ form a complete basis, we can express
∣ψn(1)⟩ in terms of them:
Importantly, n has been removed from the summation to prevent dividing
by zero later. We are allowed to do this, because
∣ψn(1)⟩−cn∣n⟩ also satisfies the order-λ1
equation for any value of cn, as demonstrated here:
Because H^0 is Hermitian, we know that
i.e. we apply it to the bra, which lets us eliminate two terms. Also,
since ∣n⟩ is normalized, we find:
We explicitly removed the ∣n⟩-dependence of ∣ψn(1)⟩,
so the last term is zero. By simply inserting our result for
∣ψn(1)⟩, we thus arrive at:
In practice, it is not particulary useful to calculate more corrections.
With degeneracy
If εn is D-fold degenerate, then its eigenstate could be
any vector ∣n,d⟩ from the corresponding D-dimensional
In general, adding the perturbation H^1 will lift the
degeneracy, meaning the perturbed states will be non-degenerate. In the
limit λ→0, these D perturbed states change into D
orthogonal states which are all valid ∣n⟩.
However, the ∣n⟩ that they converge to are not arbitrary: only
certain unperturbed eigenstates are “good” states. Without H^1,
this distinction is irrelevant, but in the perturbed case it will turn
out to be important.
For now, we write ∣n,d⟩ to refer to any orthonormal set of
vectors in the eigenspace of εn (not necessarily the “good”
ones), and ∣n⟩ to denote any linear combination of these. We then
take the equation at order λ1 and prepend an arbitrary
eigenspace basis vector ⟨n,δ∣:
This is an eigenvalue problem for En(1), where cd are the
components of the eigenvectors which represent the “good” states.
After solving this, let ∣n,g⟩ be the resulting “good” states.
Then, as long as En(1) is a non-degenerate eigenvalue of M:
Which is the same as in the non-degenerate case! Even better, the
first-order wave function correction is also unchanged:
This works because the matrix M is diagonal in the ∣n,g⟩-basis,
such that when ∣m⟩ is any vector ∣n,γ⟩ in the
∣n⟩-eigenspace (except for ∣n,g⟩, which is
explicitly excluded), then the corresponding numerator
⟨n,γ∣H^1∣n,g⟩=Mγ,g=0, so the term
does not contribute.
If any of the eigenvalues En(1) of M are degenerate, then there
is still information missing about the components cd of the
“good” states, in which case we must find them some other way.
Such an alternative way of determining these “good” states is also of
interest even if there is no degeneracy in M, since such a shortcut would
allow us to use the formulae from non-degenerate perturbation theory
straight away.
The trick is to find a Hermitian operator L^ (usually using
symmetries of the system) which commutes with both H^0 and H^1:
So that it shares its eigenstates with H^0 (and H^1),
meaning all the vectors of the D-dimensional
∣n⟩-eigenspace are also eigenvectors of L^.
The crucial part, however, is that L^ must be chosen such that
∣n,d1⟩ and ∣n,d2⟩ have distinct eigenvalues
ℓ1=ℓ2 for d1=d2:
When this condition holds for any orthogonal choice of ∣n,d1⟩ and
∣n,d2⟩, then these specific eigenvectors of L^ are the
“good states”, for any valid choice of L^.