path: root/07/lib.scm
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authorPrefetch2024-03-26 21:41:32 +0100
committerPrefetch2024-03-26 21:41:32 +0100
commit757b98fb30e75d7698a0986184d0303224db156c (patch)
treeb0f01bf59bb6fc7d26b55f6edd611393f8f8bf62 /07/lib.scm
parent1fbb07c54523c7a576bfff1cb689e155dd55f15a (diff)
Publish days 6-10
Diffstat (limited to '07/lib.scm')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/07/lib.scm b/07/lib.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52847a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/07/lib.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+(library (lib)
+ (export solve-part1 solve-part2)
+ (import (chezscheme))
+ ; Split list at first delimiter into `prefix' and `suffix'
+ ; Return value is a pair like `((p r e f i x) s u f f i x)'
+ (define (list-split-left delimiter? xs)
+ (let loop ((prefix '())
+ (suffix xs))
+ (if (null? suffix)
+ (cons prefix suffix)
+ (let ((x (car suffix)))
+ (if (delimiter? x)
+ ; Found first delimiter, so return immediately
+ (cons prefix (cdr suffix))
+ ; `x' isn't a delimiter, so append it to `prefix'
+ (loop (append prefix (list x)) (cdr suffix)))))))
+ ; Split list at given delimiter into list of sublists
+ (define (list-split delimiter? xs)
+ (let loop ((pieces '())
+ (rest xs))
+ (if (null? rest)
+ ; Fix order and remove all empty sublists from output
+ ; (which are caused by consecutive delimiters in `xs')
+ (reverse (remp null? pieces))
+ ; Extract next piece from `rest' and prepend it to `pieces'
+ (let ((next (list-split-left delimiter? rest)))
+ (loop (cons (car next) pieces) (cdr next))))))
+ ; Split string at whitespace into list of words
+ (define (string-split str)
+ (map list->string (list-split char-whitespace? (string->list str))))
+ ; Remove the first character from `str'
+ (define (string-strip-first str)
+ (substring str 1 (string-length str)))
+ ; Remove the last character from `str'
+ (define (string-strip-last str)
+ (substring str 0 (- (string-length str) 1)))
+ ; Strip the parenthesis on each side and parse the number
+ (define (parse-weight str)
+ (string->number (string-strip-first (string-strip-last str))))
+ ; Parse the current node's optional children into a list of names
+ (define (parse-children words)
+ (let loop ((input words)
+ (output '()))
+ (cond
+ ; If there are no children, or we've exhausted the input list
+ ((= (length input) 0)
+ output)
+ ; If this is is the last child, we can read its name directly
+ ((= (length input) 1)
+ (loop (cdr input) (cons (car input) output)))
+ ; The input contains multiple words, possibly including "->"
+ (else
+ (if (string=? "->" (car input))
+ ; Ignore the first "->"
+ (loop (cdr input) output)
+ ; This isn't the last child, so must strip comma from name
+ (loop
+ (cdr input)
+ (cons (string-strip-last (car input)) output)))))))
+ ; Record type representing a single tree node. Implicitly defines
+ ; `make-tree-node', `tree-node-children', and `tree-node-weight'.
+ (define-record-type tree-node
+ (fields
+ (immutable weight)
+ (immutable children)))
+ ; Parse each line of the input into a `(name . tree-node)' pair
+ (define (parse lines)
+ (let loop ((input lines)
+ (output '()))
+ (if (null? input)
+ output
+ (let ((words (string-split (car input))))
+ (let ((name (car words))
+ (weight (parse-weight (cadr words)))
+ (children (parse-children (cddr words))))
+ (loop
+ (cdr input)
+ (cons
+ (cons name (make-tree-node weight children))
+ output)))))))
+ ; Given a node name, find its parent according to `tree'
+ (define (find-parent name tree)
+ (let loop ((candidates tree))
+ (if (null? candidates)
+ #f
+ (if (find
+ (lambda (child-name) (string=? name child-name))
+ (tree-node-children (cdar candidates)))
+ (caar candidates)
+ (loop (cdr candidates))))))
+ ; Find the root node name of the tree stored in `tree'
+ (define (find-root tree)
+ (let loop ((name (caar tree)))
+ (let ((parent-name (find-parent name tree)))
+ (if (not parent-name)
+ name
+ (loop parent-name)))))
+ ; Return the `(name . weight)' pair for the `name'
+ ; that has the lowest `weight' in `child-weights'.
+ (define (find-lightest child-weights)
+ (define target-weight (apply min (map cdr child-weights)))
+ (find (lambda (cw) (= (cdr cw) target-weight)) child-weights))
+ ; Return the `(name . weight)' pair for the `name'
+ ; that has the highest `weight' in `child-weights'.
+ (define (find-heaviest child-weights)
+ (define target-weight (apply max (map cdr child-weights)))
+ (find (lambda (cw) (= (cdr cw) target-weight)) child-weights))
+ ; Count how many times `needle' occurs in `haystack'
+ (define (count needle haystack)
+ (length (filter (lambda (h) (equal? h needle)) haystack)))
+ ; For `child-weights', i.e. a list of `(name . total-weight)' pairs
+ ; for several nodes with a common parent, we find the "bad" child
+ ; whose `total-weight' differs from the others. If there are only
+ ; two children, this can't be decided; then `known-error' tells us
+ ; whether the "bad" child is lighter or heavier than a "good" one.
+ ; `known-error' is the bad-good weight difference, calculated by
+ ; the caller at a time when there were more than two children.
+ (define (odd-one-out child-weights known-error)
+ (let ((lightest (find-lightest child-weights))
+ (heaviest (find-heaviest child-weights)))
+ (if (equal? lightest heaviest)
+ ; If all children have the same weight, the parent must be bad
+ #f
+ (if known-error
+ ; If we already know that the bad node is too light,
+ ; always pick the lightest child, and vice versa.
+ (if (< known-error 0)
+ lightest
+ heaviest)
+ ; If we don't know yet whether the bad node is too light or heavy,
+ ; pray that `(length child-weights)' > 2 and pick the rarest weight.
+ (if (< (count (cdr lightest) (map cdr child-weights))
+ (count (cdr heaviest) (map cdr child-weights)))
+ lightest
+ heaviest)))))
+ ; Add up the weight of `name' and all of its descendants
+ (define (subtree-weight name tree)
+ (define node (cdr (assoc name tree)))
+ (let loop ((children (tree-node-children node))
+ (total (tree-node-weight node)))
+ (if (null? children)
+ total
+ (loop
+ (cdr children)
+ (+ total (subtree-weight (car children) tree))))))
+ ; Given `name', create a list of `(child-name . total-weight)' pairs
+ (define (filter-child-weights name tree)
+ (map
+ (lambda (child-name)
+ (cons child-name (subtree-weight child-name tree)))
+ (tree-node-children (cdr (assoc name tree)))))
+ (define (solve-part1 lines)
+ (define tree (parse lines))
+ (find-root tree))
+ (define (solve-part2 lines)
+ (define tree (parse lines))
+ (define root (find-root tree))
+ ; Traverse the tree until we find the "bad" node with the wrong weight
+ (let loop ((subtree-root root)
+ (weight-error #f))
+ ; Figure out which branch of `subtree-root' contains the bad node
+ (let* ((child-weights (filter-child-weights subtree-root tree))
+ (wrong-subtree (odd-one-out child-weights weight-error))
+ (right-subtree (car (remove wrong-subtree child-weights))))
+ (if (not wrong-subtree)
+ ; If we can't find the bad branch, `subtree-root' itself is bad
+ (- (tree-node-weight (cdr (assoc subtree-root tree))) weight-error)
+ ; Recurse into the bad branch (N.B. `weight-error' doesn't change)
+ (loop
+ (car wrong-subtree)
+ (- (cdr wrong-subtree) (cdr right-subtree)))))))