path: root/06/lib.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '06/lib.scm')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/06/lib.scm b/06/lib.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76bd34d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/06/lib.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+(library (lib)
+ (export solve-part1 solve-part2)
+ (import (chezscheme))
+ ; Split list at first delimiter into `prefix' and `suffix'
+ ; Return value is a pair like `((p r e f i x) s u f f i x)'
+ (define (list-split-left delimiter? xs)
+ (let loop ((prefix '())
+ (suffix xs))
+ (if (null? suffix)
+ (cons prefix suffix)
+ (let ((x (car suffix)))
+ (if (delimiter? x)
+ ; Found first delimiter, so return immediately
+ (cons prefix (cdr suffix))
+ ; `x' isn't a delimiter, so append it to `prefix'
+ (loop (append prefix (list x)) (cdr suffix)))))))
+ ; Split list at given delimiter into list of sublists
+ (define (list-split delimiter? xs)
+ (let loop ((pieces '())
+ (rest xs))
+ (if (null? rest)
+ ; Fix order and remove all empty sublists from output
+ ; (which are caused by consecutive delimiters in `xs')
+ (reverse (remp null? pieces))
+ ; Extract next piece from `rest' and prepend it to `pieces'
+ (let ((next (list-split-left delimiter? rest)))
+ (loop (cons (car next) pieces) (cdr next))))))
+ ; Split string at whitespace into list of words
+ (define (string-split str)
+ (map list->string (list-split char-whitespace? (string->list str))))
+ ; Find the index at which `needle' occurs in `haystack', or `#f'
+ (define (find-index needle haystack)
+ (let loop ((xs haystack) (i 0))
+ (if (null? xs)
+ #f
+ (if (equal? needle (car xs))
+ i
+ (loop (cdr xs) (+ i 1))))))
+ ; `apply' but for vectors, assuming `proc' returns a scalar
+ (define (vector-apply proc vec)
+ (apply proc (vector->list vec)))
+ ; Redistribute the items according to the puzzle description
+ (define (redistribute old)
+ (let* ((n-max (vector-apply max old)) ; largest value in `old'
+ (i-max (find-index n-max (vector->list old))) ; index of `n-max' in `old'
+ (new (vector-apply vector old)) ; allocate copy of `old'
+ (len (vector-length old))) ; number of slots in `old'
+ ; Clear the slot that had the most items
+ (vector-set! new i-max 0)
+ ; Add those items to the other slots one by one
+ (let loop ((i (mod (+ i-max 1) len))
+ (remaining n-max))
+ (if (= remaining 0)
+ new
+ (let ((n (vector-ref new i)))
+ (vector-set! new i (+ n 1))
+ (loop (mod (+ i 1) len) (- remaining 1)))))))
+ ; Keep redistributing items until a previous state is revisited
+ (define (solve-puzzle str)
+ (let ((init (list->vector (map string->number (string-split str)))))
+ (let loop ((states (list init)))
+ (if (find-index (car states) (cdr states))
+ states
+ (loop (cons (redistribute (car states)) states))))))
+ ; Loop detected after `(length states)' cycles, minus initial state
+ (define (solve-part1 str)
+ (- (length (solve-puzzle str)) 1))
+ ; Loop start state first seen somewhere in `(cdr states)', at which index?
+ (define (solve-part2 str)
+ (let ((states (solve-puzzle str)))
+ (+ (find-index (car states) (cdr states)) 1)))