path: root/08/lib.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '08/lib.scm')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/08/lib.scm b/08/lib.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e402c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/08/lib.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+(library (lib)
+ (export solve-part1 solve-part2)
+ (import (chezscheme))
+ ; Split list at first delimiter into `prefix' and `suffix'
+ ; Return value is a pair like `((p r e f i x) s u f f i x)'
+ (define (list-split-left delimiter? xs)
+ (let loop ((prefix '())
+ (suffix xs))
+ (if (null? suffix)
+ (cons prefix suffix)
+ (let ((x (car suffix)))
+ (if (delimiter? x)
+ ; Found first delimiter, so return immediately
+ (cons prefix (cdr suffix))
+ ; `x' isn't a delimiter, so append it to `prefix'
+ (loop (append prefix (list x)) (cdr suffix)))))))
+ ; Split list at given delimiter into list of sublists
+ (define (list-split delimiter? xs)
+ (let loop ((pieces '())
+ (rest xs))
+ (if (null? rest)
+ ; Fix order and remove all empty sublists from output
+ ; (which are caused by consecutive delimiters in `xs')
+ (reverse (remp null? pieces))
+ ; Extract next piece from `rest' and prepend it to `pieces'
+ (let ((next (list-split-left delimiter? rest)))
+ (loop (cons (car next) pieces) (cdr next))))))
+ ; Split string at whitespace into list of words
+ (define (string-split str)
+ (map list->string (list-split char-whitespace? (string->list str))))
+ ; Evaluate a test of the form: `rval' `test' `rlit'
+ (define (satisfied? rval test rlit)
+ (cond
+ ((string=? test "<" ) (< rval rlit))
+ ((string=? test "<=") (<= rval rlit))
+ ((string=? test "==") ( = rval rlit))
+ ((string=? test ">=") (>= rval rlit))
+ ((string=? test ">" ) (> rval rlit))
+ (else (not (= rval rlit)))))
+ ; To copy the register state list from one cycle to the next, the usual
+ ; `(apply list xs)' trick isn't good enough, because `xs' contains pairs.
+ (define (list-deep-copy xs)
+ (if (not (pair? xs))
+ xs
+ (cons (list-deep-copy (car xs)) (list-deep-copy (cdr xs)))))
+ ; Execute one instruction (`words') given current state (`registers-old')
+ (define (execute words registers-old)
+ ; Make a copy of the input state, to be modified and returned.
+ ; The state is an association list of (register . value) pairs.
+ (define registers-new (list-deep-copy registers-old))
+ ; "Parse" the instruction, which has the following form:
+ ; `wreg' (inc|dec) `wlit' if `rreg' `test' `rlit'
+ (define wreg (list-ref words 0))
+ (define inc? (string=? "inc" (list-ref words 1)))
+ (define wlit (string->number (list-ref words 2)))
+ (define rreg (list-ref words 4))
+ (define test (list-ref words 5))
+ (define rlit (string->number (list-ref words 6)))
+ ; If register `wreg' isn't initialized yet, set it to zero
+ (if (not (assoc wreg registers-old))
+ (set! registers-new (cons (cons wreg 0) registers-new)))
+ ; If register `rreg' isn't initialized yet, set it to zero
+ (if (not (assoc rreg registers-old))
+ (set! registers-new (cons (cons rreg 0) registers-new)))
+ ; Read the values stored in registers `rreg' and `wreg'
+ (let ((wval (cdr (assoc wreg registers-new)))
+ (rval (cdr (assoc rreg registers-new))))
+ (if (satisfied? rval test rlit)
+ ; If the test condition is true, apply the increment/decrement
+ (set-cdr! (assoc wreg registers-new)
+ (if inc?
+ (+ wval wlit)
+ (- wval wlit))))
+ ; Return the new state
+ registers-new))
+ ; Execute the "program" and return the history of register states
+ (define (solve-puzzle lines)
+ (let loop ((instructions (map string-split lines))
+ (registers '())
+ (history '()))
+ (if (null? instructions)
+ history
+ (let ((state (execute (car instructions) registers)))
+ (loop (cdr instructions) state (cons state history))))))
+ (define (solve-part1 lines)
+ (define history (solve-puzzle lines))
+ (apply max (map cdr (car history))))
+ (define (solve-part2 lines)
+ (define history (solve-puzzle lines))
+ (let loop ((states history)
+ (highest -999999))
+ (if (null? states)
+ highest
+ (loop (cdr states) (max highest (apply max (map cdr (car states))))))))