path: root/
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1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dbb2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+from math import *
+import numpy as np
+import numpy.fft
+import visualize
+# Normalize wavefunction with respect to volume element dV
+def normalize(state, dV):
+ norm2 = np.vdot(state, state) * dV
+ return state / sqrt(abs(norm2))
+# Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization with respect to dV
+def orthonormalize(basis, dV):
+ for n in range(len(basis)):
+ psi = basis[n]
+ for i in range(n):
+ psi -= basis[i] * np.vdot(basis[i], psi) * dV
+ basis[n] = normalize(psi, dV)
+ return basis
+# Zero all components with kinetic energy less than Ecut
+def enforce_cutoff(s, psis_q, kq2):
+ for i in range(s.Nres):
+ for j in range(s.Nres):
+ for k in range(s.Nres):
+ if kq2[i, j, k] > 2 * s.Ecut:
+ for psi_q in psis_q:
+ psi_q[i, j, k] = 0
+ return orthonormalize(psis_q, s.dq)
+# Apply the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian to a normalized state psi
+def apply_hamiltonian(s, psi_q, Veff_r, kq2):
+ # Apply kinetic energy in q-domain
+ Tpsi_q = 0.5 * kq2 * psi_q
+ # Apply local+nonlocal potential in r-domain
+ psi_r = np.fft.ifftn(psi_q)
+ # We don't normalize: the iFFT ensures a correctly normalized result
+ Vpsi_r = Veff_r * psi_r # local part
+ for a in s.atoms: # nonlocal part
+ Vnon_r = a.apply_nonlocal_potential(psi_r) * s.dr
+ Vpsi_r += Vnon_r
+ Vpsi_q = np.fft.fftn(Vpsi_r)
+ return Tpsi_q + Vpsi_q
+# Resisual vector R, which the eigensolver tries to minimize
+def get_residual(s, psi_q, Hpsi_q, kq2):
+ ene = np.vdot(psi_q, Hpsi_q) * s.dq # assuming normalization
+ R_q = Hpsi_q - ene * psi_q
+ # Calculate preconditioned residual PR for faster convergence:
+ # The ideal PR satisfies PR = (H - ene)^-1 R, such that (H - ene) PR = R.
+ # This operator (H - ene) is hard to invert, so we approximate it using
+ # the kinetic energy only: -0.5 \nabla^2 PR = R (the Poisson equation).
+ PR_q = 2 * R_q / (kq2 + 1)
+ # This is an even rougher approximation, but it works well enough.
+ return PR_q
+# One iteration of the block Davidson eigensolver algorithm
+def diagonalize_subspace(s, psis, V, kq2):
+ # Apply Hamiltonian to psis and cache results
+ Hbasis = []
+ for n in range(len(psis)):
+ Hbasis.append(apply_hamiltonian(s, psis[n], V, kq2))
+ # Calculate corresponding residuals
+ resids = []
+ for n in range(len(psis)):
+ R = get_residual(s, psis[n], Hbasis[n], kq2)
+ resids.append(R)
+ # Augment the input basis (psis) with the residuals
+ basis = psis + resids
+ basis = enforce_cutoff(s, basis, kq2)
+ Ndim = len(basis)
+ # Apply Hamiltonian to orthonormalized residuals and cache results
+ for n in range(len(psis), Ndim):
+ Hbasis.append(apply_hamiltonian(s, basis[n], V, kq2))
+ # Subspace Hamiltonian matrix with elements <basis[i] | H | basis[j]>
+ Hsub = np.zeros((Ndim, Ndim), dtype="complex128")
+ # Exploit Hermiticity: only calculate the diagonal and upper triangle,
+ # then copy the elements from the upper to the lower triangle.
+ for r in range(Ndim):
+ for c in range(r, Ndim):
+ Hsub[r, c] = np.vdot(basis[r], Hbasis[c]) * s.dq
+ for r in range(Ndim):
+ for c in range(0, r):
+ Hsub[r, c] = np.conj(Hsub[c, r])
+ # Find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of Hsub
+ evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(Hsub)
+ # Express the eigenvectors in the original basis (input psis)
+ result = []
+ for n in range(Ndim // 2):
+ psi = np.zeros((s.Nres, s.Nres, s.Nres), dtype="complex128")
+ for b in range(Ndim):
+ psi += basis[b] * evecs[b, n]
+ result.append(psi)
+ return evals, result
+# Small optimization: cache |k+q|^2 ahead of time
+def cache_kinetic_factor(s, kpoint):
+ kq2 = np.zeros((s.Nres, s.Nres, s.Nres))
+ for i in range(s.Nres):
+ for j in range(s.Nres):
+ for k in range(s.Nres):
+ q = np.array((s.qx[i, j, k], s.qy[i, j, k], s.qz[i, j, k]))
+ kq = kpoint + q
+ kq2[i, j, k] =, kq)
+ return kq2
+# Initial guess from atoms' individual (approximate) orbitals
+def guess_orbitals(s):
+ psis_q = []
+ for a in s.atoms:
+ psis_r = a.guess_orbitals(s.Norb)
+ # Convert guesses to Fourier space
+ for psi_r in psis_r:
+ psi_q = np.fft.fftn(psi_r)
+ psis_q.append(psi_q)
+ return orthonormalize(psis_q, s.dq)
+# Get lowest eigenvalues and eigenstates of Kohn-Sham equation
+def solve_kohnsham_equation(s, V, k, prefix="", thresh=1e-4):
+ kq2 = cache_kinetic_factor(s, k)
+ # Initialize psis, which we will refine shortly
+ psis_q = guess_orbitals(s)
+ print(prefix + "Eigensolver cycle 1 running...")
+ cycles = 0
+ improv = 1
+ energy_old = 0
+ # Iterative eigensolver loop
+ while improv > thresh:
+ cycles += 1
+ # Eliminate high-frequency noise (little effect in practice)
+ psis_q = enforce_cutoff(s, psis_q, kq2)
+ # Refine eigenstates using one step of the block Davidson method
+ energies, psis_q = diagonalize_subspace(s, psis_q, V, kq2)
+ # To measure progress, we look at the change of (N+1)th eigenvalue,
+ # where N is the number of bands we are interested in converging.
+ energy_new = energies[s.Neig]
+ improv = abs(energy_new - energy_old) / abs(energy_new)
+ energy_old = energy_new
+ # Clear line and (re)print progress information
+ print("\033[A\033[2K" + prefix, end="")
+ print("Eigensolver cycle {} done".format(cycles), end="")
+ if cycles > 1:
+ print(", improvement {:.2e}".format(improv), end="")
+ print("")
+ # Convert psis to real space and normalize them there
+ psis_r = []
+ for n in range(len(psis_q)):
+ psi_r = np.fft.ifftn(psis_q[n])
+ psis_r.append(normalize(psi_r, s.dr))
+ # energies is a NumPy array right now
+ return energies.tolist(), psis_r, psis_q