As light propagates in the z-direction through an optical fiber,
the transverse profile F(x,y) of the electric field
can be shown to obey the Helmholtz equation in 2D:
With n being the position-dependent refractive index,
k=ω/c the vacuum wavenumber,
and β the mode’s propagation constant (i.e. wavenumber),
to be found later.
In polar coordinates(r,ϕ) this can be rewritten as follows:
Where we have defined μ≡n2k2−β2 for brevity.
From now on, we only consider choices of μ that do not depend on ϕ or z,
but may vary with r.
This Helmholtz equation can be solved by separation of variables:
we assume that there exist two functions R(r) and Φ(ϕ)
such that F(r,ϕ)=R(r)Φ(ϕ).
Inserting this ansatz:
We rearrange this such that each side only depends on one variable,
by dividing by RΦ (ignoring the fact that it may be zero),
and multiplying by r2.
Since this equation should hold for all values of r and ϕ,
this means that both sides must equal a constant,
which we call ℓ2:
This gives an eigenvalue problem for Φ,
and the well-known Bessel equation for R:
We will return to R later; we start with Φ, because it has the
simplest equation. Since the angle ϕ is limited to [0,2π],
Φ must be 2π-periodic, so:
The above equation for Φ with these periodic boundary conditions
is a Sturm-Liouville problem.
Consequently, there are infinitely many allowed values of ℓ2,
all real, and one of them is lowest, known as the ground state.
To find the eigenvalues ℓ2 and their corresponding Φ,
we in turn assume that ℓ2<0, ℓ2=0, or ℓ2>0,
and check if we can then arrive at a non-trivial Φ for each case.
For ℓ2<0, solutions have the form Φ(ϕ)=Asinh(ϕℓ)+Bcosh(ϕℓ),
where A and B are unknown linearity constants.
At least one of these constants must be nonzero for Φ to be non-trivial,
but the challenge is to satisfy the boundary conditions:
This can only be zero if ℓ=0,
which contradicts the premise that ℓ2<0,
so we conclude that ℓ2 cannot be negative,
because no non-trivial solutions exist here.
For ℓ2=0, the solution is Φ(ϕ)=Aϕ+B.
Putting this in the boundary conditions:
B can be nonzero, so this is a valid solution.
We conclude that ℓ2=0 is the ground state.
For ℓ2>0, all solutions have the form
Φ(ϕ)=Asin(ϕℓ)+Bcos(ϕℓ), therefore:
So A and B are both unconstrained,
and each integer ℓ is a doubly-degenerate eigenvalue.
The two linearly independent solutions,
sin(ϕℓ) and cos(ϕℓ),
represent the polarization of light in the mode.
For simplicity, we assume that all light is in a single polarization,
so only cos(ϕℓ) will be considered from now on.
By combining our result for ℓ2=0 and ℓ2>0,
we get the following for ℓ=0,1,2,...:
Here, ℓ is called the primary mode index.
We exclude ℓ<0 because cos(x)∝cos(−x)
and sin(x)∝sin(−x),
and because A is free to choose thanks to linearity.
Let us now revisit the Bessel equation for the radial function R(r),
which should be continuous and differentiable throughout the fiber:
To continue, we need to specify the refractive index n(r), contained in μ(r).
We choose a step-index fiber,
whose cross-section consists of a core with radius a,
surrounded by a cladding that extends to infinity r→∞.
In the core r<a, the index n is a constant ni,
while in the cladding r>a it is another constant no.
Since μ is different in the core and cladding,
we will get different solutions Ri and Ro there,
so we must demand that the field is continuous at the boundary r=a:
Furthermore, for a physically plausible solution,
we require that Ri is finite
and that Ro decays monotonically to zero when r→∞.
These constraints will turn out to restrict μ.
Introducing a new coordinate ρ≡r∣μ∣
gives the Bessel equation’s standard form,
which has well-known solutions called Bessel functions, shown below.
Let ± be the sign of μ:
Looking at these solutions with our constraints for Ro in mind,
we see that for μ>0 none of the solutions decay
monotonically to zero, so we must have μ≤0 in the cladding.
Of the remaining candidates, ln(r), rℓ and Iℓ(ρ) do not decay at all,
leading to the following Ro:
Next, for Ri, we see that when μ<0 all solutions are invalid
since they diverge at r=0,
and so do ln(r), r−ℓ and Yℓ(ρ).
Of the remaining candidates, r0 and rℓ have a non-negative slope
at the boundary r=a, so they can never be continuous with Ro′.
This leaves Jℓ(ρ) for μ>0:
Putting this all together, we now know what the full solution for F should look like:
Where Aℓ and Bℓ are constants to be chosen
based on the light’s intensity, and to satisfy the continuity condition at r=a.
We found that μ≤0 in the cladding and μ>0 in the core.
Since μ≡n2k2−β2 by definition,
this discovery places a constraint on the propagation constant β:
Therefore, ni>no in a step-index fiber,
and there is only a limited range of allowed β-values;
the fiber is not able to guide the light outside this range.
However, not all β in this range are created equal for all k.
To investigate further, let us define the quantities
ξi and ξo like so,
assuming ni and no do not depend on k:
It is important to note that the sum of their squares is constant with respect to β:
Where NA is the so-called numerical aperture,
often mentioned in papers and datasheets as one of a fiber’s key parameters.
It is defined as:
From this, we define a new fiber parameter: the V-number,
which is very useful:
Now, the allowed values of β are found
by fulfilling the boundary conditions (for μ=0):
With this, the transcendental equation for β
takes this convenient form:
All β that satisfy this indicate the existence
of a linearly polarized mode,
each labelled LPℓm,
where ℓ is the primary (azimuthal) mode index,
and m the secondary (radial) mode index,
which is needed because multiple β may exist for a single ℓ.
An example graphical solution of the transcendental equation
is illustrated below for a fiber with V=5,
where red and blue respectively denote the left and right-hand side:
For the ground state the light is well-confined in the core,
but for higher modes it increasingly leaks into the cladding,
thereby reducing the wavenumber β (because ni>no)
until the fiber can no longer guide the light β<nok,
and the modes thus stop existing.
Therefore, there is a mode cutoff when β=nok
or equivalently when ξo=0.
With this is mind, consider a slightly rearranged version
of the above transcendental equation:
Because Y≡aξo and X2=V2−Y2,
if ξo=0 then Y=0 and X=V,
and the right-hand side is zero;
for it to be satisfiable (i.e. for the mode to exist),
the other side should also vanish.
Therefore, all LPℓm have cutoffs Vℓm
equal to the mth roots of Jℓ−1(Vℓm)=0,
so if V>Vℓm then LPℓm exists,
as long as β stays in the allowed range.
In the above figure, they are V01=0,
V11=2.405, and V02=V21=3.832.
All differential equations have been linear,
so a linear combination of these solutions is also valid.
Therefore, the fiber modes represent independent “channels” of light.
However, in practice, they can interact nonlinearly,
and light can scatter between them, and between polarizations.
O. Bang,
Applied mathematics for physicists: lecture notes, 2019,