path: root/
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1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0162baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+from math import *
+from itertools import permutations
+import numpy as np
+import numpy.fft
+import numpy.linalg
+import eigen
+import xc
+# Get electron density by filling orbitals with electrons
+def get_density(psis, Nele):
+ rho = np.zeros_like(psis[0], dtype="float64")
+ for n in range(Nele):
+ rho += abs(psis[n // 2])**2
+ return rho
+# Given a density, calculate the Hartree (Coulomb) potential
+def get_hartree_potential(s, rho_r):
+ rho_q = np.fft.fftn(rho_r)
+ V_q = np.zeros_like(rho_q)
+ for i in range(s.Nres):
+ for j in range(s.Nres):
+ for k in range(s.Nres):
+ # Ignore the q=0 component, which gives a constant shift.
+ # This makes the cell neutral, eliminating long-range effects.
+ if s.q2[i, j, k] != 0:
+ V_q[i, j, k] = 4 * pi * rho_q[i, j, k] / s.q2[i, j, k]
+ V_r = np.fft.ifftn(V_q)
+ return np.real(V_r)
+# Pulay mixing: try this one weird trick to accelerate your convergence!
+# Linearly combine several old densities to get a new density,
+# which is hopefully closer to the self-consistent optimum.
+def mix_densities(fhist, Rhist):
+ # Number of old functions to combine
+ Nmix = min(5, max(2, len(fhist)))
+ # We need at least two old densities to work with.
+ # On the first SCF iteration, we return the raw output density.
+ if len(fhist) < Nmix:
+ return fhist[-1] + Rhist[-1]
+ # Number of initial elements to ignore in the history
+ offset = len(fhist) - Nmix
+ # Set up the system matrix
+ A = np.zeros((Nmix, Nmix), dtype=fhist[-1].dtype)
+ for r in range(Nmix):
+ for c in range(Nmix):
+ A[r, c] = np.vdot(Rhist[offset + r], Rhist[offset + c])
+ # Solve the system using matrix inversion, see for example
+ # Eq.(38) in
+ try:
+ Ainv = np.linalg.inv(A)
+ alphas = Ainv.sum(axis=1)
+ alphas /= alphas.sum()
+ except np.linalg.LinAlgError: # A is singular
+ alphas = np.zeros(Nmix)
+ alphas[-1] = 1.0
+ # Construct next function as a linear combination of history.
+ # Beta "nudges" result, to prevent getting stuck in a subspace.
+ beta = 0.1
+ f = np.zeros_like(fhist[-1])
+ for n in range(Nmix):
+ f += alphas[n] * (fhist[offset + n] + beta * Rhist[offset + n])
+ return f
+# Generate list of k-points that nicely covers the first Brillouin zone
+def sample_brillouin_zone(s):
+ N = s.bzmesh
+ # Generate N0xN1xN2 k-points using Monkhorst-Pack scheme
+ kpoints = []
+ for n0 in range(1, N[0] + 1):
+ for n1 in range(1, N[1] + 1):
+ for n2 in range(1, N[2] + 1):
+ t0 = (2 * n0 - N[0] - 1) / (2 * N[0]) * s.crystal.b[0]
+ t1 = (2 * n1 - N[1] - 1) / (2 * N[1]) * s.crystal.b[1]
+ t2 = (2 * n2 - N[2] - 1) / (2 * N[2]) * s.crystal.b[2]
+ kpoints.append(t0 + t1 + t2)
+ # Thanks to symmetry, most of these k-points are redundant.
+ # which we will exploit to greatly improve performance.
+ # This can be done much better; these are my messy hacks.
+ # Remember for each point, what it is equivalent to (maybe only itself)
+ equivto = list(range(len(kpoints)))
+ for i in range(len(kpoints)):
+ # Cubic crystal symmetry:
+ # Permute Cartesian components to find equivalences (this feels dirty)
+ perms = set(permutations(tuple(abs(kpoints[i]))))
+ for j in range(0, i): # only consider previous points
+ if tuple(abs(kpoints[j])) in perms:
+ equivto[i] = j
+ break
+ # Each k gets a weight based on how many equivalent points it has
+ weights = []
+ for i in range(len(kpoints)):
+ weights.append(equivto.count(i))
+ # Delete redundant points, yielding a >75% reduction in computation
+ for i in reversed(range(len(kpoints))):
+ if weights[i] == 0:
+ del kpoints[i]
+ del weights[i]
+ return kpoints, weights
+# Static local potential contribution, from the atoms in the cell
+def get_local_external_potential(s, Nele):
+ Vloc_r = np.zeros((s.Nres, s.Nres, s.Nres))
+ rhon_r = np.zeros((s.Nres, s.Nres, s.Nres))
+ for a in s.atoms:
+ Vloc_r += a.get_local_potential()
+ rhon_r += a.get_local_density()
+ # Coulomb potential from ionic compensation charge
+ rhon_r /= np.sum(rhon_r) * s.dr / Nele # ensure normalization
+ Vion_r = get_hartree_potential(s, -rhon_r)
+ return Vloc_r + Vion_r
+# The whole point of DFT: iteratively find the self-consistent electron density
+def get_selfconsistent_density(s, thresh=1e-8):
+ # Initial guess for mean electron density
+ rho = np.zeros((s.Nres, s.Nres, s.Nres))
+ Nele = 0 # number of electrons
+ for a in s.atoms:
+ rho += a.guess_density()
+ Nele += a.params.Zion
+ rho /= np.sum(rho) * s.dr / Nele # ensure normalization
+ # This is the "external potential" we use as a base (sans nonlocality)
+ Vext = get_local_external_potential(s, Nele)
+ # Get weighted set of k-points in first Brillouin zone
+ ksamples, kweights = sample_brillouin_zone(s)
+ # Each k-point gives a certain density contribution
+ rhos = []
+ for k in ksamples:
+ rhos.append(rho.copy())
+ # Histories for Pulay density mixing
+ rho_hist = []
+ residue_hist = []
+ # You could do Pulay mixing separately for each k-point's density,
+ # but according to my tests, that makes no meaningful difference.
+ cycles = 0
+ improv = 1
+ # Main self-consistency loop, where the magic happens
+ while improv > thresh:
+ cycles += 1
+ print("Self-consistency cycle {} running...".format(cycles))
+ # Calculate additional potential from mean density
+ Vh = get_hartree_potential(s, rho)
+ #Vx = xc.get_x_potential_gga_lb(s, rho)
+ #Vc = xc.get_c_potential_gga_lyp(s, rho)
+ #Vxc = xc.get_xc_potential_lda_teter93(s, rho)
+ Vxc = xc.get_x_potential_lda_slater(s, rho)
+ Veff = Vext + Vh + Vxc
+ for i in range(len(ksamples)):
+ prefix = " ({}/{}) ".format(i + 1, len(ksamples))
+ energies, psis_r, psis_q = eigen.solve_kohnsham_equation(s, Veff, ksamples[i], prefix)
+ rhos[i] = get_density(psis_r, Nele)
+ # Calculate new average density from orbitals
+ rho_new = np.zeros((s.Nres, s.Nres, s.Nres))
+ for i in range(len(rhos)):
+ rho_new += kweights[i] * rhos[i]
+ rho_new /= sum(kweights)
+ # Get next cycle's input density from Pulay mixing
+ rho_hist.append(rho)
+ residue_hist.append(rho_new - rho)
+ rho = mix_densities(rho_hist, residue_hist)
+ # Use the norm of the residual as a metric for convergence
+ improv = np.sum(residue_hist[-1]**2) * s.dr / Nele**2
+ print(" Cycle {} done, improvement {:.2e}".format(cycles, improv))
+ print("Found self-consistent electron density in {} cycles".format(cycles))
+ return rho, Veff