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index f96c020..80d9fcb 100644
--- a/source/know/concept/self-steepening/
+++ b/source/know/concept/self-steepening/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: "Self-steepening"
sort_title: "Self-steepening"
-date: 2021-02-26
+date: 2024-09-29 # Originally 2021-02-26, major rewrite
- Physics
- Optics
@@ -10,121 +10,228 @@ categories:
layout: "concept"
-For a laser pulse travelling through an optical fiber,
-its intensity is highest at its peak, so the Kerr effect will be strongest there.
-This means that the peak travels slightly slower
-than the rest of the pulse, leading to **self-steepening** of its trailing edge.
-Mathematically, this is described by adding a new term to the
-nonlinear Schrödinger equation:
+A laser pulse travelling in an optical fiber
+causes a nonlinear change of the material's refractive index,
+and the resulting dynamics are described by
+the [nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation](/know/concept/nonlinear-schrodinger-equation/),
+given in its most basic form by:
- = i\pdv{A}{z} - \frac{\beta_2}{2} \pdvn{2}{A}{t} + \gamma \Big(1 + \frac{i}{\omega_0} \pdv{}{t} \Big) |A|^2 A
+ = i\pdv{A}{z} - \frac{\beta_2}{2} \pdvn{2}{A}{t} + \gamma_0 |A|^2 A
-Where $$\omega_0$$ is the angular frequency of the pump.
-We will use the following ansatz,
-consisting of an arbitrary power profile $$P$$ with a phase $$\phi$$:
+Where $$A(z, t)$$ is the modulation profile of the carrier wave,
+$$\beta_2$$ is the group velocity dispersion
+at the carrier frequency $$\omega_0$$,
+and $$\gamma_0 \equiv \gamma(\omega_0)$$ is a nonlinear parameter
+involving the material's Kerr coefficient $$n_2$$
+and the transverse mode's effective area $$A_\mathrm{eff}$$:
+ \gamma(\omega)
+ \equiv \frac{\omega n_2(\omega)}{c A_\mathrm{eff}(\omega)}
+As a consequence of treating $$\gamma_0$$ as frequency-independent,
+only the nonlinear *phase* velocity change is represented,
+but not the *group* velocity change.
+Unfortunately, this form of the NLS equation
+does not allow us to include the full $$\gamma(\omega)$$
+(this is an advanced topic, see Lægsgaard),
+but a decent approximation is to simply Taylor-expand $$\gamma(\omega)$$ around $$\omega_0$$:
+ \gamma(\omega)
+ = \gamma_0 + \gamma_1 \Omega + \frac{\gamma_2}{2} \Omega^2 + \frac{\gamma_3}{6} \Omega^2 + ...
+Where $$\Omega \equiv \omega - \omega_0$$
+and $$\gamma_n \equiv \ipdvn{n}{\gamma}{\omega}|_{\omega=\omega_0}$$.
+For pulses with a sufficiently narrow spectrum,
+we only need the first two terms.
+We insert this into the [Fourier transform (FT)](/know/concept/fourier-transform/)
+$$\hat{\mathcal{F}}$$ of the equation,
+where $$s = \pm 1$$ is the sign of the FT exponent,
+which might vary from author to author
+($$s = +1$$ corresponds to a forward-propagating carrier wave and vice versa):
+ 0
+ = i\pdv{A}{z} - \frac{\beta_2}{2} (-i s \Omega)^2 A + (\gamma_0 + \gamma_1 \Omega) \hat{\mathcal{F}}\big\{ |A|^2 A \big\}
+If we now take the inverse FT,
+the factor $$\Omega$$ becomes an operator $$i s \ipdv{}{t}$$:
+ 0
+ = i\pdv{A}{z} - \frac{\beta_2}{2} \pdvn{2}{A}{t} + \Big( \gamma_0 + i s \gamma_1 \pdv{}{t} \Big) |A|^2 A
+In theory, this is the desired new NLS equation,
+but in fact most authors make a small additional approximation.
+Let us write out the derivative of $$\gamma(\omega)$$:
+ \pdv{\gamma}{\omega}
+ = \frac{n_2}{c A_\mathrm{eff}}
+ + \frac{\omega}{c A_\mathrm{eff}} \pdv{n_2}{\omega}
+ - \frac{\omega n_2}{c A_\mathrm{eff}^2} \pdv{A_\mathrm{eff}}{\omega}
+In practice, the $$\omega$$-dependence of $$n_2$$ and $$A_\mathrm{eff}$$
+is relatively weak, so the first term is dominant
+and hence sufficient for our purposes.
+We therefore have $$\gamma_1 \approx \gamma_0 / \omega_0$$, leading to:
+ \boxed{
+ 0
+ = i\pdv{A}{z} - \frac{\beta_2}{2} \pdvn{2}{A}{t} + \gamma_0 \Big( 1 + i \frac{s}{\omega_0} \pdv{}{t} \Big) |A|^2 A
+ }
+Beware that this NLS equation does not conserve the total energy
+$$E \equiv \int_{-\infty}^\infty |A|^2 \dd{t}$$ anymore,
+which is often used to quantify simulation errors.
+Fortunately, another value can then be used instead:
+it can be shown that the "photon number" $$N$$
+is still conserved, defined as:
+ \boxed{
+ N(z)
+ \equiv \int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{|\tilde{A}(z, \Omega)|^2}{\Omega} \dd{\Omega}
+ }
+A pulse's intensity is highest at its peak,
+so the nonlinear index shift is strongest there,
+meaning that the peak travels slightly slower than the rest of the pulse,
+leading to **self-steepening** of its trailing edge;
+an effect exhibited by our modified NLS equation.
+Note that $$s$$ controls which edge is regarded as the trailing one.
+Let us make the ansatz below,
+consisting of an arbitrary power profile $$P$$ with phase $$\phi$$:
= \sqrt{P(z,t)} \, \exp\!\big(i \phi(z,t)\big)
-For a long pulse travelling over a short distance, it is reasonable to
-neglect dispersion ($$\beta_2 = 0$$).
-Inserting the ansatz then gives the following, where $$\varepsilon = \gamma / \omega_0$$:
+We assume that $$A$$ has a sufficiently narrow spectrum
+that we can neglect dispersion $$\beta_2 = 0$$ over a short distance.
+Inserting the ansatz into the NLS equation
+with $$\varepsilon \equiv \gamma_0 / \omega_0$$ gives:
- &= i \frac{1}{2} \frac{P_z}{\sqrt{P}} - \sqrt{P} \phi_z + \gamma P \sqrt{P} + i \varepsilon \frac{3}{2} P_t \sqrt{P} - \varepsilon P \sqrt{P} \phi_t
+ &= i \frac{1}{2} \frac{P_z}{\sqrt{P}} - \sqrt{P} \phi_z + \gamma_0 P \sqrt{P}
+ + i s \varepsilon \frac{3}{2} P_t \sqrt{P} - s \varepsilon P \sqrt{P} \phi_t
-This results in two equations, respectively corresponding to the real
-and imaginary parts:
+Since $$P$$ is real, this results in two equations,
+for the real and imaginary parts:
- &= - \phi_z - \varepsilon P \phi_t + \gamma P
+ &= - \phi_z + \gamma_0 P - s \varepsilon P \phi_t
- &= P_z + \varepsilon 3 P_t P
+ &= P_z + 3 s \varepsilon P_t P
The phase $$\phi$$ is not so interesting, so we focus on the latter equation for $$P$$.
-As it turns out, it has a general solution of the form below (you can verify this yourself),
-which shows that more intense parts of the pulse
-will lag behind compared to the rest:
+You can easily show (by insertion) that it has a general solution of the form below,
+which says that more intense parts of the pulse
+lag behind the rest, as expected:
- = f(t - 3 \varepsilon z P)
+ = f(t - 3 s \varepsilon z P)
-Where $$f$$ is the initial power profile: $$f(t) = P(0,t)$$.
+Where $$f(t) \equiv P(0,t)$$ is the initial power profile.
The derivatives $$P_t$$ and $$P_z$$ are given by:
- &= (1 - 3 \varepsilon z P_t) \: f'
- \qquad \quad \implies \quad
- P_t
- = \frac{f'}{1 + 3 \varepsilon z f'}
+ &= (1 - 3 s \varepsilon z P_t) \: f'
+ \qquad\quad\!\! = \frac{f'}{1 + 3 s \varepsilon z f'}
- &= (-3 \varepsilon P - 3 \varepsilon z P_z) \: f'
- \quad \implies \quad
- P_z
- = \frac{- 3 \varepsilon P f'}{1 + 3 \varepsilon z f'}
+ &= (-3 s \varepsilon P - 3 s \varepsilon z P_z) \: f'
+ = \frac{- 3 s \varepsilon P f'}{1 + 3 s \varepsilon z f'}
-These derivatives both go to infinity when their denominator is zero,
-which, since $$\varepsilon$$ is positive, will happen earliest where $$f'$$
-has its most negative value, called $$f_\mathrm{min}'$$,
-which is located on the trailing edge of the pulse.
+Both expressions blow up when their denominator goes to zero,
+which, since $$\varepsilon > 0$$, happens earliest at an extremum of $$f'$$;
+either its minimum ($$s = +1$$) or maximum ($$s = -1$$).
+Let us call this value $$f_\mathrm{extr}'$$,
+located on the trailing edge of the pulse.
At the propagation distance $$z$$ where this occurs, $$L_\mathrm{shock}$$,
-the pulse will "tip over", creating a discontinuous shock:
+the pulse "tips over", creating a discontinuous shock:
- = 1 + 3 \varepsilon z f_\mathrm{min}'
+ = 1 + 3 s \varepsilon z f_\mathrm{extr}'
\qquad \implies \qquad
- \boxed{
+ z
+ = \boxed{
- \equiv -\frac{1}{3 \varepsilon f_\mathrm{min}'}
+ \equiv -\frac{\omega_0}{3 s \gamma_0 f_\mathrm{extr}'}
-In practice, however, this will never actually happen, because by the time
-$$L_\mathrm{shock}$$ is reached, the pulse spectrum will have become so
-broad that dispersion can no longer be neglected.
+In practice, however, this never actually happens,
+because as the pulse approaches $$L_\mathrm{shock}$$,
+its spectrum becomes so broad that dispersion cannot be neglected:
+[dispersive broadening](/know/concept/dispersive-broadening/)
+pulls the pulse apart before a shock can occur.
+The early steepening is observable though.
A simulation of self-steepening without dispersion is illustrated below
-for the following Gaussian initial power distribution,
+for the following initial power distribution,
with $$T_0 = 25\:\mathrm{fs}$$, $$P_0 = 3\:\mathrm{kW}$$,
-$$\beta_2 = 0$$ and $$\gamma = 0.1/\mathrm{W}/\mathrm{m}$$:
+$$\beta_2 = 0$$, $$\gamma = 0.1/\mathrm{W}/\mathrm{m}$$,
+and a vacuum carrier wavelength $$\lambda_0 \approx 73\:\mathrm{nm}$$
+(the latter determined by the simulation's resolution settings):
- = P(0,t) = P_0 \exp\!\Big(\! -\!\frac{t^2}{T_0^2} \Big)
+ = P(0,t) = P_0 \exp\!\bigg(\!-\!\frac{t^2}{T_0^2} \bigg)
+The first and second derivatives of this Gaussian $$f$$ are as follows:
-Its steepest points are found to be at $$2 t^2 = T_0^2$$, so
-$$f_\mathrm{min}'$$ and $$L_\mathrm{shock}$$ are given by:
+ f'(t)
+ &= - \frac{2 P_0}{T_0^2} t \exp\!\bigg(\!-\!\frac{t^2}{T_0^2} \bigg)
+ \\
+ f''(t)
+ &= \frac{2 P_0}{T_0^2} \bigg( \frac{2 t^2}{T_0^2} - 1 \bigg) \exp\!\bigg(\!-\!\frac{t^2}{T_0^2} \bigg)
+The steepest points of $$f'$$ are the roots of $$f''$$,
+clearly located at $$2 t^2 = T_0^2$$,
+meaning that $$f_\mathrm{extr}'$$ and $$L_\mathrm{shock}$$
+are in this case given by:
- f_\mathrm{min}'
- = - \frac{\sqrt{2} P_0}{T_0} \exp\!\Big(\!-\!\frac{1}{2}\Big)
- \quad \implies \quad
+ f_\mathrm{extr}'
+ = \mp \sqrt{2} e^{-1/2} \frac{P_0}{T_0}
+ \qquad \implies \qquad
- = \frac{T_0}{3 \sqrt{2} \varepsilon P_0} \exp\!\Big(\frac{1}{2}\Big)
+ = \frac{e^{1/2}}{3 \sqrt{2}} \frac{\omega_0 T_0}{\gamma_0 P_0}
This example Gaussian pulse therefore has a theoretical
$$L_\mathrm{shock} = 0.847\,\mathrm{m}$$,
-which turns out to be accurate,
-although the simulation breaks down due to insufficient resolution:
+which seems to be accurate based on these plots,
+although the simulation breaks down just before that point due to insufficient resolution:
{% include image.html file="simulation-full.png" width="100%"
alt="Self-steepening simulation results" %}
@@ -133,9 +240,9 @@ Unfortunately, self-steepening cannot be simulated perfectly: as the
pulse approaches $$L_\mathrm{shock}$$, its spectrum broadens to infinite
frequencies to represent the singularity in its slope.
The simulation thus collapses into chaos when the edge of the frequency window is reached.
-Nevertheless, the general trends are nicely visible:
+Nevertheless, the trend is nicely visible:
the trailing slope becomes extremely steep, and the spectrum
-broadens so much that dispersion cannot be neglected anymore.
+broadens so much that dispersion can no longer be neglected.
{% comment %}
When self-steepening is added to the nonlinear Schrödinger equation,
@@ -153,4 +260,10 @@ $$\begin{aligned}
## References
-1. B.R. Suydam, [Self-steepening of optical pulses](, 2006, Springer.
+1. B.R. Suydam,
+ [Self-steepening of optical pulses](,
+ 2006, Springer.
+2. J. Lægsgaard,
+ [Mode profile dispersion in the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation](,
+ 2007, Optica.