Categories: Fiber optics, Mathematics, Nonlinear optics, Physics.

Optical soliton

In general, a soliton is a wave packet that maintains its shape as it travels over great distances. They are only explainable by nonlinear physics, but many (often unrelated) nonlinear equations give rise to solitons: the Boussinesq equations, the Korteweg-de Vries equation, the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation, and more. Here we consider waveguide optics, which is governed by the NLS equation, given in dimensionless form by:

iuz+utt+ru2u=0\begin{aligned} i u_z + u_{tt} + r |u|^2 u = 0 \end{aligned}

Where r=±1r = \pm 1 determines the dispersion regime, and subscripts denote differentiation. We start by making the most general ansatz for the pulse envelope u(z,t)u(z, t), namely:

u(z,t)=ϕ(z,t)eiθ(z,t)\begin{aligned} u(z, t) = \phi(z, t) \: e^{i \theta(z, t)} \end{aligned}

With ϕ\phi and θ\theta both real. Note that no generality has been lost yet: we have simply split a single complex function into two real ones. The derivatives of uu thus become:

uz=(ϕz+iϕθz)eiθut=(ϕt+iϕθt)eiθutt=(ϕtt+2iϕtθt+iϕθttϕθt2)eiθ\begin{aligned} u_z &= (\phi_z + i \phi \theta_z) \: e^{i \theta} \\ u_t &= (\phi_t + i \phi \theta_t) \: e^{i \theta} \\ u_{tt} &= (\phi_{tt} + 2 i \phi_t \theta_t + i \phi \theta_{tt} - \phi \theta_t^2) \: e^{i \theta} \end{aligned}

Inserting uzu_z and uttu_{tt} into the NLS equation leads us to:

0=iϕzϕθz+ϕtt+2iϕtθt+iϕθttϕθt2+rϕ3=ϕttϕθt2ϕθz+rϕ3+i(ϕθtt+2ϕtθt+ϕz)\begin{aligned} 0 &= i \phi_z - \phi \theta_z + \phi_{tt} + 2 i \phi_t \theta_t + i \phi \theta_{tt} - \phi \theta_t^2 + r \phi^3 \\ &= \phi_{tt} - \phi \theta_t^2 - \phi \theta_z + r \phi^3 + i (\phi \theta_{tt} + 2 \phi_t \theta_t + \phi_z) \end{aligned}

Since ϕ\phi and θ\theta are both real, we can split this equation into its real and imaginary parts:

0=ϕttϕθt2ϕθz+rϕ30=ϕθtt+2ϕtθt+ϕz\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \begin{aligned} 0 &= \phi_{tt} - \phi \theta_t^2 - \phi \theta_z + r \phi^3 \\ 0 &= \phi \theta_{tt} + 2 \phi_t \theta_t + \phi_z \end{aligned} } \end{aligned}

Still no generality has been lost so far: these coupled equation are totally equivalent to the NLS equation. But now it is time make a more specific ansatz, namely that ϕ\phi and θ\theta both have a fixed shape but move at a group velocity vv and phase velocity ww, respectively:

ϕ(z,t)=ϕ(tvz)θ(z,t)=θ(twz)\begin{aligned} \phi(z, t) &= \phi(t - v z) \\ \theta(z, t) &= \theta(t - w z) \end{aligned}

Meaning ϕz=vϕt\phi_z = -v \phi_t and θz=wθt\theta_z = -w \theta_t. Now the coupled equations are given by:

0=ϕttϕθt2+wϕθt+rϕ30=ϕθtt+2ϕtθtvϕt\begin{aligned} 0 &= \phi_{tt} - \phi \theta_t^2 + w \phi \theta_t + r \phi^3 \\ 0 &= \phi \theta_{tt} + 2 \phi_t \theta_t - v \phi_t \end{aligned}

We multiply the imaginary part’s equation by ϕ\phi and take its indefinite integral, which can then be evaluated by recognizing the product rule of differentiation:

0=(ϕ2θtt+2ϕϕtθtvϕϕt)dt=ϕ2θtv2ϕ2\begin{aligned} 0 &= \int \Big( \phi^2 \theta_{tt} + 2 \phi \phi_t \theta_t - v \phi \phi_t \Big) \dd{t} \\ &= \phi^2 \theta_t - \frac{v}{2} \phi^2 \end{aligned}

Where the integration constant has been set to zero. This implies θt=v/2\theta_t = v/2, which we insert into the real part’s equation, giving:

0=ϕtt+v4(2wv)ϕ+rϕ3\begin{aligned} 0 &= \phi_{tt} + \frac{v}{4} (2 w - v) \phi + r \phi^3 \end{aligned}

Defining Bv(v2w)/4B \equiv v (v - 2 w) / 4, multiplying by 2ϕt2 \phi_t, and integrating in the same way:

0=(2ϕtϕtt2Bϕϕt+2rϕ3ϕt)dt=ϕt2Bϕ2+r2ϕ4C\begin{aligned} 0 &= \int \Big( 2 \phi_t \phi_{tt} - 2 B \phi \phi_t + 2 r \phi^3 \phi_t \Big) \dd{t} \\ &= \phi_t^2 - B \phi^2 + \frac{r}{2} \phi^4 - C \end{aligned}

Where CC is an integration constant. Rearranging this yields a powerful equation, which can be interpreted as a “pseudoparticle” with kinetic energy ϕt2\phi_t^2 moving in a potential P(ϕ)-P(\phi):

ϕt2=P(ϕ)r2ϕ4+Bϕ2+C\begin{aligned} \boxed{ \phi_t^2 = P(\phi) \equiv -\frac{r}{2} \phi^4 + B \phi^2 + C } \end{aligned}

We further restrict the set of acceptable solutions by demanding that ϕ(t)\phi(t) is localized, meaning ϕϕ\phi \to \phi_\infty when t±t \to \pm \infty, for a finite constant ϕ\phi_\infty. This implies ϕt0\phi_t \to 0 and ϕtt0\phi_{tt} \to 0: the former clearly requires P(ϕ)=0P(\phi_\infty) = 0. Regarding the latter, we differentiate the pseudoparticle equation with respect to tt, which tells us for t±t \to \pm \infty:

0=ϕtt=12P(ϕ)=(Brϕ2)ϕ\begin{aligned} 0 = \phi_{tt} &= \frac{1}{2} P'(\phi_\infty) = (B - r \phi_\infty^2) \phi_\infty \end{aligned}

Here we have two options: the “bright” case ϕ=0\phi_\infty = 0, and the “dark” case ϕ2=rB\phi_\infty^2 = r B. Before we investigate those further, let us finish finding θ\theta: we know that θt=v/2\theta_t = v/2, so:

θ(twz)=θtd(twv)=v2(twv)\begin{aligned} \theta(t - w z) = \int \theta_t \dd{(t - w v)} = \frac{v}{2} (t - w v) \end{aligned}

Where we can ignore the integration constant because the NLS equation has Gauge symmetry, i.e. it is invariant under a transformation of the form uueiau \to u e^{i a} with constant aa. Finally, we rewrite this result to eliminate ww in favor of BB:

θ(z,t)=v2t(v24B)z\begin{aligned} \theta(z, t) = \frac{v}{2} t - \bigg( \frac{v^2}{4} - B \bigg) z \end{aligned}

Bright solitons

First we consider the “bright” option ϕ=0\phi_\infty = 0, where our requirement that P(θ)=0P(\theta_\infty) = 0 clearly means that we must set C=0C = 0. We are therefore left with:

ϕt2=P(ϕ)=r2ϕ4+Bϕ2\begin{aligned} \phi_t^2 = P(\phi) = -\frac{r}{2} \phi^4 + B \phi^2 \end{aligned}

We must consider r=1r = 1 and r=1r = -1, and the sign of BB; the possible forms of P(ϕ)P(\phi) are shown in the sketch below. Because ϕt\phi_t is real by definition, valid solutions can only exist in the shaded regions where P(ϕ)0P(\phi) \ge 0:

Sketch of candidate potentials for bright solitons

However, in order to have stable solutions where ϕ\phi does not grow uncontrolably, we must restrict ourselves to shaded regions with a finite area. Otherwise, if they are infinite (as for r=1r = -1), then a positive feedback loop arises: ϕt2\phi_t^2 grows, so ϕ|\phi| increases, then according to the sketch ϕt2\phi_t^2 grows even more, etc. While mathematically correct, that would be physically unacceptable, so the only valid case here is r=1r = 1 with B>0B > 0.

Armed with this knowledge, we are now ready to integrate the pseudoparticle integration. First, we rewrite it as follows, defining xtvzx \equiv t - vz:

ϕt=ϕx=±P(ϕ)=±ϕBϕ2/2\begin{aligned} \phi_t = \pdv{\phi}{x} = \pm \sqrt{P(\phi)} = \pm \phi \sqrt{B - \phi^2 / 2} \end{aligned}

This can be rearranged such that the differential elements dx\dd{x} and dϕ\dd{\phi} are on opposite sides, which can then each be wrapped in an integral, like so:

dx=±2ϕ2Bϕ2dϕ    x0xdξ=±2ϕ0ϕ1ψ2Bψ2dψ\begin{aligned} \dd{x} = \pm \frac{\sqrt{2}}{\phi \sqrt{2 B - \phi^2}} \dd{\phi} \qquad\implies\qquad \int_{x_0}^{x} \dd{\xi} = \pm \sqrt{2} \int_{\phi_0}^{\phi} \frac{1}{\psi \sqrt{2 B - \psi^2}} \dd{\psi} \end{aligned}

Note that these are indefinite integrals, which have been written as definite integrals by placing the constants x0x_0 and ϕ0\phi_0 and target variables xx and ϕ\phi in the limits.

In order to integrate by substitution, we define the new variable fψ/2Bf \equiv \psi / \sqrt{2 B} and update the limits accordingly to Fϕ/2BF \equiv \phi / \sqrt{2 B} and F0ϕ0/2BF_0 \equiv \phi_0 / \sqrt{2 B}:

xx0=±2F0F2Bf2B2B2Bf2df=±1BF0F1f1f2df\begin{aligned} x - x_0 &= \pm \sqrt{2} \int_{F_0}^{F} \frac{\sqrt{2 B}}{f \sqrt{2 B} \sqrt{2 B - 2 B f^2}} \dd{f} \\ &= \pm \frac{1}{\sqrt{B}} \int_{F_0}^{F} \frac{1}{f \sqrt{1 - f^2}} \dd{f} \end{aligned}

We look up this integrand, and discover that it is in fact the derivative of the inverse sech1\sech^{-1} of the hyperbolic secant function, so we arrive at:

xx0=±1BF0Fddf(sech1(f))df=±1Bsech1(F)1Bsech1(F0)\begin{aligned} x - x_0 &= \pm \frac{1}{\sqrt{B}} \int_{F_0}^{F} \dv{}{f} \Big( \sech^{-1}(f) \Big) \dd{f} \\ &= \pm \frac{1}{\sqrt{B}} \sech^{-1}(F) \mp \frac{1}{\sqrt{B}} \sech^{-1}(F_0) \end{aligned}

Rearranging and combining the integration constants x0x_0 and F0F_0 into a single t0t_0, we get:

sech1(F)=±B(xt0)t0x01Bsech1(F0)\begin{aligned} \sech^{-1}(F) = \pm \sqrt{B} (x - t_0) \qquad\qquad t_0 \equiv x_0 \mp \frac{1}{\sqrt{B}} \sech^{-1}(F_0) \end{aligned}

Then, wrapping everything in sech\sech (which is an even function, so we can discard the ±\pm) and using Fϕ/2BF \equiv \phi / \sqrt{2 B}, we finally arrive at the desired solution for ϕ\phi:

ϕ(x)=2Bsech ⁣(B(xt0))\begin{aligned} \phi(x) = \sqrt{2 B} \sech\!\Big( \sqrt{B} (x - t_0) \Big) \end{aligned}

Combining this result with our earlier solution for θ\theta, we find that the full so-called bright soliton uu is as follows, controlled by two real parameters B>0B > 0 and vv:

u(z,t)=2Bsech ⁣(B(tvzt0))exp ⁣(iv2ti(v24B)z)\begin{aligned} \boxed{ u(z, t) = \sqrt{2 B} \sech\!\bigg( \sqrt{B} (t - v z - t_0) \bigg) \exp\!\bigg( i \frac{v}{2} t - i \Big( \frac{v^2}{4} - B \Big) z \bigg) } \end{aligned}

It is always possible to transform the NLS equation into a new moving coordinate system such that v=0v = 0, yielding a stationary soliton given by:

u(z,t)=2Bsech ⁣(B(tt0))exp(iBz)\begin{aligned} \boxed{ u(z, t) = \sqrt{2 B} \sech\!\Big( \sqrt{B} (t - t_0) \Big) \exp(i B z) } \end{aligned}

You may be wondering how we can set v=0v = 0 without affecting BB; a more correct way of saying it would be that we take the limits v0v \to 0 and ww \to -\infty.

That was for the dimensionless form of the NLS equation; let us specialize this to its usual form in fiber optics. We thus make a transformation uU/Ucu \to U/U_c, tT/Tct \to T/T_c and zZ/Zcz \to Z/Z_c:

U(Z,T)Uc=2Bsech ⁣(BTT0Tc)exp ⁣(iBZZc)\begin{aligned} \frac{U(Z, T)}{U_c} &= \sqrt{2 B} \sech\!\bigg( \sqrt{B} \: \frac{T - T_0}{T_c} \bigg) \exp\!\bigg( i B \frac{Z}{Z_c} \bigg) \end{aligned}

Where UcU_c, TcT_c and ZcZ_c are scale constants determined during non-dimensionalization to obey the relations below. We only have two relations, so we can choose one value freely, say, UcU_c:

Zc=1γ0Uc2Tc=β22γ0Uc2\begin{aligned} Z_c = \frac{1}{\gamma_0 U_c^2} \qquad\qquad T_c = \sqrt{\frac{- \beta_2}{2 \gamma_0 U_c^2}} \end{aligned}

Note that r=1r = 1 implies β2<0\beta_2 < 0 assuming γ0>0\gamma_0 > 0. In other words, bright solitons only exist in the anomalous dispersion regime of an optical fiber. Inserting these relations into the expression and defining the peak power P02BUc2P_0 \equiv 2 B U_c^2 yields:

U(Z,T)=P0sech ⁣(γ0P0β2(TT0))exp ⁣(iγ0P02Z)\begin{aligned} U(Z, T) &= \sqrt{P_0} \sech\!\Bigg( \sqrt{\frac{\gamma_0 P_0}{- \beta_2}} (T - T_0) \Bigg) \exp\!\bigg( i \frac{\gamma_0 P_0}{2} Z \bigg) \end{aligned}

In practice, most authors write this as follows, where TwT_\mathrm{w} determines the width of the pulse:

U(Z,T)=P0sech ⁣(TT0Tw)exp ⁣(iγ0P02Z)\begin{aligned} \boxed{ U(Z, T) = \sqrt{P_0} \sech\!\bigg( \frac{T - T_0}{T_\mathrm{w}} \bigg) \exp\!\bigg( i \frac{\gamma_0 P_0}{2} Z \bigg) } \end{aligned}

Clearly, for this to be a valid solution of the NLS equation, TwT_\mathrm{w} must be subject to a constraint involving the so-called soliton number NsolN_\mathrm{sol}:

Nsol2LDLN=γ0P0Tw2β2=1\begin{aligned} \boxed{ N_\mathrm{sol}^2 \equiv \frac{L_D}{L_N} = \frac{\gamma_0 P_0 T_\mathrm{w}^2}{|\beta_2|} = 1 } \end{aligned}

Where LDT0/β2L_D \equiv T_0 / |\beta_2| is the linear length scale of dispersive broadening, and LN1/(γ0P0)L_N \equiv 1 / (\gamma_0 P_0) is the nonlinear length scale of self-phase modulation. A first-order soliton has Nsol=1N_\mathrm{sol} = 1 and simply maintains its shape, whereas higher-order solitons have complicated periodic dynamics.

Dark solitons

The other option to satisfy P(ϕ)=0P'(\phi_\infty) = 0 is ϕ2=rB\phi_\infty^2 = r B, which implies rB>0r B > 0 such that ϕ\phi_\infty is real. With this in mind, we again sketch all remaining candidates for P(ϕ)P(\phi):

Sketch of candidate potentials for dark solitons

At a glance, there are plenty of solutions here, even stable ones! However, as explained earlier, our localization requirement means that we need P(ϕ)=0P(\phi_\infty) = 0 and P(ϕ)=0P'(\phi_\infty) = 0. The latter is only satisfied by the solid curve above, so we must limit ourselves to r=1r = -1 and B<0B < 0, with C=C0C = C_0 for some positive C0C_0. The next step is to find C0C_0.

We notice that the target curve has two double roots at ±ϕ\pm \phi_\infty, so we can rewrite:

P(ϕ)=12(ϕ4+2Bϕ2+2C)=12(ϕ4+2Bϕ2+B2B2+2C)=12(ϕ2+B)212(B22C)\begin{aligned} P(\phi) &= \frac{1}{2} \Big( \phi^4 + 2 B \phi^2 + 2 C \Big) \\ &= \frac{1}{2} \Big( \phi^4 + 2 B \phi^2 + B^2 - B^2 + 2 C \Big) \\ &= \frac{1}{2} \big( \phi^2 + B \big)^2 - \frac{1}{2} \big( B^2 - 2 C \big) \end{aligned}

Here we see that P(ϕ)P(\phi_\infty) can only have a double root when C=C0=B2/2C = C_0 = B^2 / 2, in which case the root is clearly ϕ=±B\phi_\infty = \pm \sqrt{-B}. We are therefore left with:

ϕt2=P(ϕ)=12(ϕ2+B)2\begin{aligned} \phi_t^2 = P(\phi) = \frac{1}{2} \big( \phi^2 + B \big)^2 \end{aligned}

Now we are ready to integrate this equation. Taking the square root with xtvzx \equiv t - v z:

ϕt=ϕx=±P(ϕ)=±12(ϕ2+B)\begin{aligned} \phi_t = \pdv{\phi}{x} = \pm \sqrt{P(\phi)} = \pm \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (\phi^2 + B) \end{aligned}

We put the differential elements dϕ\dd{\phi} and dx\dd{x} on opposite sides and take the integrals:

dx=±2ϕ2+Bdϕ    x0xdξ=±2ϕ0ϕ1ψ2+Bdψ\begin{aligned} \dd{x} = \pm \frac{\sqrt{2}}{\phi^2 + B} \dd{\phi} \qquad\implies\qquad \int_{x_0}^{x} \dd{\xi} = \pm \sqrt{2} \int_{\phi_0}^{\phi} \frac{1}{\psi^2 + B} \dd{\psi} \end{aligned}

Then we define fψ/Bf \equiv \psi / \sqrt{-B}, and update the limits to F=ϕ/BF = \phi / \sqrt{-B} and F0=ϕ0/BF_0 = \phi_0 / \sqrt{-B}, in order to integrate by substitution:

xx0=±2F0FBBf2+Bdf=±2BF0F11f2df\begin{aligned} x - x_0 &= \pm \sqrt{2} \int_{F_0}^{F} \frac{\sqrt{-B}}{- B f^2 + B} \dd{f} \\ &= \pm \sqrt{-\frac{2}{B}} \int_{F_0}^{F} \frac{1}{1 - f^2} \dd{f} \end{aligned}

The integrand can be looked up: it turns out be the derivative of tanh1\tanh^{-1}, the inverse hyperbolic tangent function, so we arrive at:

xx0=±2BF0Fddf(tanh1(f))df=±2Btanh1(F)2Btanh1(F0)\begin{aligned} x - x_0 &= \pm \sqrt{-\frac{2}{B}} \int_{F_0}^{F} \dv{}{f} \Big( \tanh^{-1}(f) \Big) \dd{f} \\ &= \pm \sqrt{-\frac{2}{B}} \tanh^{-1}(F) \mp \sqrt{-\frac{2}{B}} \tanh^{-1}(F_0) \end{aligned}

Rearranging, and combining the integration constants x0x_0 and F0F_0 into a single t0t_0, yields:

tanh1(F)=±B2(xt0)t0x02Btanh1(F0)\begin{aligned} \tanh^{-1}(F) &= \pm \sqrt{-\frac{B}{2}} (x - t_0) \qquad\qquad t_0 \equiv x_0 \mp \sqrt{-\frac{2}{B}} \tanh^{-1}(F_0) \end{aligned}

Next, we take the tanh\tanh of both sides. It is an odd function, so the ±\pm can be moved outside, where it can be ignored entirely thanks to the NLS equation’s Gauge symmetry. Using F=ϕ/BF = \phi / \sqrt{-B}:

ϕ(x)=Btanh ⁣(B2(xt0))\begin{aligned} \phi(x) &= \sqrt{-B} \tanh\!\Bigg( \sqrt{-\frac{B}{2}} (x - t_0) \Bigg) \end{aligned}

Combining this with our expression for θ\theta, we arrive at the full dark soliton solution for uu:

u(z,t)=Btanh ⁣(B2(tvzt0))exp ⁣(iv2ti(v24B)z)\begin{aligned} \boxed{ u(z, t) = \sqrt{-B} \tanh\!\Bigg( \sqrt{-\frac{B}{2}} (t - v z - t_0) \Bigg) \exp\!\bigg( i \frac{v}{2} t - i \Big( \frac{v^2}{4} - B \Big) z \bigg) } \end{aligned}

There are two free parameters here: B<0B < 0 and vv. Once again, we can always transform to a moving coordinate system such that v=0v = 0, resulting in a stationary soliton:

u(z,t)=Btanh ⁣(B2(tt0))exp(iBz)\begin{aligned} \boxed{ u(z, t) = \sqrt{-B} \tanh\!\Bigg( \sqrt{-\frac{B}{2}} (t - t_0) \Bigg) \exp(i B z) } \end{aligned}

Like we did for the bright solitons, let us specialize this result to fiber optics. Making a similar transformation uU/Ucu \to U/U_c, tT/Tct \to T/T_c and zZ/Zcz \to Z/Z_c yields:

U(Z,T)Uc=Btanh ⁣(B2TT0Tc)exp ⁣(iBZZc)\begin{aligned} \frac{U(Z, T)}{U_c} = \sqrt{-B} \tanh\!\Bigg( \sqrt{-\frac{B}{2}} \frac{T - T_0}{T_c} \Bigg) \exp\!\bigg( i B \frac{Z}{Z_c} \bigg) \end{aligned}

Where we again choose UcU_c manually, and then find TcT_c and ZcZ_c using these relations (note the opposite signs because r=1r = -1 in this case):

Zc=1γ0Uc2Tc=β22γ0Uc2\begin{aligned} Z_c = \frac{-1}{\gamma_0 U_c^2} \qquad\qquad T_c = \sqrt{\frac{\beta_2}{2 \gamma_0 U_c^2}} \end{aligned}

Recall that r=1r = -1 implies β2>0\beta_2 > 0 assuming γ0>0\gamma_0 > 0, meaning dark solitons can only exist in the normal dispersion regime. Inserting this into the expression and defining the background power P0BUc2P_0 \equiv -B U_c^2 such that U2P0|U|^2 \to P_0 for t±t \to \pm \infty, we arrive at:

U(Z,T)=P0tanh ⁣(γ0P0β2(TT0))exp(iγ0P0Z)\begin{aligned} U(Z, T) = \sqrt{P_0} \tanh\!\Bigg( \sqrt{\frac{\gamma_0 P_0}{\beta_2}} (T - T_0) \Bigg) \exp(i \gamma_0 P_0 Z) \end{aligned}

Which, as for bright solitons, can be rewritten with a pulse width TwT_\mathrm{w} satisfying Nsol=1N_\mathrm{sol} = 1:

U(Z,T)=P0tanh ⁣(TT0Tw)exp(iγ0P0Z)\begin{aligned} \boxed{ U(Z, T) = \sqrt{P_0} \tanh\!\bigg( \frac{T - T_0}{T_\mathrm{w}} \bigg) \exp(i \gamma_0 P_0 Z) } \end{aligned}


  1. A. Scott, Nonlinear science: emergence and dynamics of coherent structures, 2nd edition, Oxford.
  2. O. Bang, Nonlinear mathematical physics: lecture notes, 2020, unpublished.